If Mort Divine ruled the world

Charlottesville should have been a wake-up call for the left that they shouldn't keep pushing the narrative that violence is okay in pursuit of a political cause, because violence is reciprocal and as the white-right proved they can take it to a level that the left doesn't want to be exposed to. What happened was fucked up, however most of this really started with #PunchANazi and #BashTheFash and all the people who wrote articles, made videos and gave speeches proclaiming that it's okay to punch a Nazi are complicit in what happens in these autistic street clashes. Then you have (which has seemingly died down more recently) the random attacks on MAGA hat people as well as the hat-stealing game that goes on a lot.

If you were paying attention to the raw footage being uploaded around 2015/16 (like I was because I like laughing at dumb shit) with Trump's campaign/eventual election you could actually witness in real-time a slow escalation and that faggot with his car at Charlottesville was a predictable next step in the evolution of the violence.

Instead of just laughing at the whitenats for the speds they are (like we do with the KKK), the retarded revolutionary LARPists who have no lives and a gaping meaning-chasm decided to legitimize and martyr them in some pathetic attempt to be "on the right side of history" and now the right beat the shit out of them in the streets.

Civil libertarianism in the USA began its decline around the 80s, took a massive hit under W and the Patriot Act, and then finally died under Obama's race-baiting Justice Department. I don't think things here will ever to Weimar Republic levels of violence, but the basic principles are there; freedom of expression was suppressed not by government force but by failing to enforce laws prohibiting violence, aka anarcho-tyranny. The electorate is too divided along identitarian lines for there to ever be a libertarian voice that forcefully defends the right of extremists to speak, so we'll just probably see these ups and downs of riots until whenever the next great realignment occurs. And the leftist retards still keep repeating "B-but if only we bashed more fash, the Nazis never would have happened", ignoring the history of several years where the Spartacists actually had the upper-hand and were ruthlessly purged once they finally lost it after Hitler's election.
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fwiw James Fields looks guilty as anyone to me. Until someone produces footage showing that he did have a large mob behind him, I'm going to err on the side that he ran into the crowd deliberately. The fact that there's video of him driving down a completely different street, car smashed from ramming the crowd, with no seeming impediment towards his escape, makes me think he doesn't have much of a case.
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Not really. They shoved him to the ground and hit him over the course of maybe 10 seconds, basically until he stopped moving. It wasn't some long, attempted lynching like the media tried to sell it as. In most SYG states, if you were hit with a weapon (a metal flashlight), you would not be charged if you got one or two hits in on the perp after pushing him to the ground; the threat needs to be neutralized. I'll admit that some of the people that hit Harris did so seeing the guy already on the ground and then joining in, and that I think those people should be charged with assault. The main damage came from the single hit with a pipe(?) that split his face and provided most of the bleeding, but I don't think it's known that that particular blow was performed early or later into the assault. One guy ran over to Harris on the ground and got a single kick in, which probably didn't contribute much damage on its own, but he still got 6 years. I don't have a problem with those bandwagoning being charged with assault, but the idea that Harris' defense was valid was a load of bullshit, and identical to the defense being used by the pozzed Canadian.

Yes really. I can't believe you're defending this episode. It's uncanny to watch you literally type out the variety of assaults and then say it wasn't that much.
The electorate is too divided along identitarian lines for there to ever be a libertarian voice that forcefully defends the right of extremists to speak, so we'll just probably see these ups and downs of riots until whenever the next great realignment occurs.

I wonder what chance there is that the street clashes get so out of hand that there isn't a call for a clamping down of the right to protest and assemble. This is the Patriot Act era after all, America is certainly trending towards paternalism probably more than ever before.
Yes really. I can't believe you're defending this episode. It's uncanny to watch you literally type out the variety of assaults and then say it wasn't that much.

It wasn't that anything more than what Harris did to initiate the violence. I can totally believe you holding two different standards, however.

I wonder what chance there is that the street clashes get so out of hand that there isn't a call for a clamping down of the right to protest and assemble. This is the Patriot Act era after all, America is certainly trending towards paternalism probably more than ever before.

Even that went downhill a bit under Bush; the government created "free speech zones" for protesters in the capital, for example. Neocons on the court like Kavanaugh would go along with any restriction I'd imagine.
That's not what I was comparing. I was comparing Harris's "assault" with the violence subsequently visited on him.

It may be the case that both men instigated violence, but in one case the response was outrageously disproportionate. I have no sympathy for the racists serving multi-year sentences.
That's not what I was comparing. I was comparing Harris's "assault" with the violence subsequently visited on him.

It may be the case that both men instigated violence, but in one case the response was outrageously disproportionate. I have no sympathy for the racists serving multi-year sentences.

What made it disproportionate to begin with? Harris was with a group of several other men who were in the process of committing physical aggression against a single man. Harris was quickly separated from the group after others witnessed him swinging a flashlight at the single man. I already said that I don't have an issue with multi-year sentences for those that joined in after Harris was already neutralized, the issue is that Harris started the entire act of violence with a deadly weapon and received no charges on the defense that he had bad aim.
Yes, but there was no disproportionate response to the roundhouse dude. That's why I called out the comparison of the two episodes.

Are you saying that if the pozzed Canadian had his face smashed open, you'd be opposed to him being charged with assault?
In the present case, it wasn’t a situation of heightened tension and we have it on video.

In the case of Harris, he was accosted by men who openly identify with white supremacy. We have no video of what happened prior to the assault, and I’m willing to believe Harris’s claim that he lashed out with a flashlight to protect his friend. Given the state of affairs that day, I think it’s significantly different than the roundhouse kick dude.

1:00, the flag pole is suddenly yanked away from the old guy.

Closer perspective. Shirtless is pulling on the flag surrounded by several friends, Harris pops out to whack the guy in the head.

Harris deserved his stitches and then some. Wouldn't be sad if he was killed tbqh.
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To be fair, the powers that be really do try to hide information, so for a guy like Einherjar to find video evidence within his usual CNN/Vox/whatever bubble is too much to expect of him. Recently, four more arrests were made of right-wing attendees of the Charlottesville protests, members of some fight club-ish thing called Rise Above, on charges of incitement of riot and assault. Within hours their official YouTube channel had apparently deleted itself, which hosted definitive video proof that one of the now-arrested (held without bail) was acting in self-defense. I haven't been able to find the video since then, and wouldn't be surprised if it stays offline forever.
I don't think it really matters whether there is footage or not, that shit only validates what the right already know about the left's tendency to initiate the violence and the centrists will use it as fodder for their endless fence-riding videos and articles about "muh idiots on both sides."

The left start from a premise that people like Harris are under attack every day and so they never start it. Their violence is justified regardless of the situation.