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- Sep 16, 2007
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Charlottesville should have been a wake-up call for the left that they shouldn't keep pushing the narrative that violence is okay in pursuit of a political cause, because violence is reciprocal and as the white-right proved they can take it to a level that the left doesn't want to be exposed to. What happened was fucked up, however most of this really started with #PunchANazi and #BashTheFash and all the people who wrote articles, made videos and gave speeches proclaiming that it's okay to punch a Nazi are complicit in what happens in these autistic street clashes. Then you have (which has seemingly died down more recently) the random attacks on MAGA hat people as well as the hat-stealing game that goes on a lot.
If you were paying attention to the raw footage being uploaded around 2015/16 (like I was because I like laughing at dumb shit) with Trump's campaign/eventual election you could actually witness in real-time a slow escalation and that faggot with his car at Charlottesville was a predictable next step in the evolution of the violence.
Instead of just laughing at the whitenats for the speds they are (like we do with the KKK), the retarded revolutionary LARPists who have no lives and a gaping meaning-chasm decided to legitimize and martyr them in some pathetic attempt to be "on the right side of history" and now the right beat the shit out of them in the streets.
Civil libertarianism in the USA began its decline around the 80s, took a massive hit under W and the Patriot Act, and then finally died under Obama's race-baiting Justice Department. I don't think things here will ever to Weimar Republic levels of violence, but the basic principles are there; freedom of expression was suppressed not by government force but by failing to enforce laws prohibiting violence, aka anarcho-tyranny. The electorate is too divided along identitarian lines for there to ever be a libertarian voice that forcefully defends the right of extremists to speak, so we'll just probably see these ups and downs of riots until whenever the next great realignment occurs. And the leftist retards still keep repeating "B-but if only we bashed more fash, the Nazis never would have happened", ignoring the history of several years where the Spartacists actually had the upper-hand and were ruthlessly purged once they finally lost it after Hitler's election.