If Mort Divine ruled the world

The left isn't the Democratic party.

Anyway it's just really ironic that a leftist dude goes out to fight for "women's rights" and ends up Roadhousing a bitch in the face.

I remember this one which was especially ironic because he did it at a literal Women's March in Canada. :lol:

No wonder the left are obsessed with toxic masculinity, all their male comrades are sex pests and woman beaters.
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Yeah, it's a real party-line problem.

Obviously this is sarcasm, but you aren't trying to disprove it. Even RAINNs data shows that minorities are disproportionately likely to engage in sexual assault, and we know minorities disproportionately vote Democrat. Plus we know that minorities are less likely to report all crimes.

Leftist cademics are all about data as far as it takes them politically. Then they turn into fundies. About the same as "actual" fundies.
It's a pretty funny story, he telegraphed the fuck out of his kick. Useless bitch should've taken one step back, though I suppose she wasn't expecting to be kicked in the head by one of the great allies of women: a left-wing dudebro.
Obviously this is sarcasm, but you aren't trying to disprove it. Even RAINNs data shows that minorities are disproportionately likely to engage in sexual assault, and we know minorities disproportionately vote Democrat. Plus we know that minorities are less likely to report all crimes.

Leftist cademics are all about data as far as it takes them politically. Then they turn into fundies. About the same as "actual" fundies.

Leftists cademics just wanna have fun.

It's a pretty funny story, he telegraphed the fuck out of his kick. Useless bitch should've taken one step back, though I suppose she wasn't expecting to be kicked in the head by one of the great allies of women: a left-wing dudebro.

Guy sounds like he was stoned. Not that that's an excuse.
this argument is so tiresome

You can hear Hunt saying “I meant to kick your phone” (like that is really any better). Kicking someone because you have different political beliefs is not okay. Full stop. Even if he intended to kick her phone, that’s still awful. There is no excuse.
this argument is so tiresome

It's not uncommon. Deandre Harris successfully used it after hitting an old man with a Maglite, on the basis that he was aiming for a flag pole that his own friends were trying to steal. Deandre Harris is now considered a hero and victim of Charlottesville, while the people that attacked Harris in response are enjoying several-year prison terms right now.
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Anybody remember when that woman wearing some kind of libertarian MAGA hat parody ("Make Bitcoin Great Again") was pointblank pepper-sprayed by Milo protestors? That'll teach women to dress appropriately out in public, no red hats with words on it you slut.

Charlottesville is a very different case though. Even if Harris did "attack" first, the retaliation was outrageously disproportionate. Those fucking assholes were in racist heaven while they beat the shit out of that kid.

In the case at hand, the woman didn't hit back. The guy who round-house kicked her is a little shit.
Charlottesville is a very different case though. Even if Harris did "attack" first, the retaliation was outrageously disproportionate. Those fucking assholes were in racist heaven while they beat the shit out of that kid.

Charlottesville should have been a wake-up call for the left that they shouldn't keep pushing the narrative that violence is okay in pursuit of a political cause, because violence is reciprocal and as the white-right proved they can take it to a level that the left doesn't want to be exposed to. What happened was fucked up, however most of this really started with #PunchANazi and #BashTheFash and all the people who wrote articles, made videos and gave speeches proclaiming that it's okay to punch a Nazi are complicit in what happens in these autistic street clashes. Then you have (which has seemingly died down more recently) the random attacks on MAGA hat people as well as the hat-stealing game that goes on a lot.

If you were paying attention to the raw footage being uploaded around 2015/16 (like I was because I like laughing at dumb shit) with Trump's campaign/eventual election you could actually witness in real-time a slow escalation and that faggot with his car at Charlottesville was a predictable next step in the evolution of the violence.

Instead of just laughing at the whitenats for the speds they are (like we do with the KKK), the retarded revolutionary LARPists who have no lives and a gaping meaning-chasm decided to legitimize and martyr them in some pathetic attempt to be "on the right side of history" and now the right beat the shit out of them in the streets.
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Charlottesville is a very different case though. Even if Harris did "attack" first, the retaliation was outrageously disproportionate. Those fucking assholes were in racist heaven while they beat the shit out of that kid.

Not really. They shoved him to the ground and hit him over the course of maybe 10 seconds, basically until he stopped moving. It wasn't some long, attempted lynching like the media tried to sell it as. In most SYG states, if you were hit with a weapon (a metal flashlight), you would not be charged if you got one or two hits in on the perp after pushing him to the ground; the threat needs to be neutralized. I'll admit that some of the people that hit Harris did so seeing the guy already on the ground and then joining in, and that I think those people should be charged with assault. The main damage came from the single hit with a pipe(?) that split his face and provided most of the bleeding, but I don't think it's known that that particular blow was performed early or later into the assault. One guy ran over to Harris on the ground and got a single kick in, which probably didn't contribute much damage on its own, but he still got 6 years. I don't have a problem with those bandwagoning being charged with assault, but the idea that Harris' defense was valid was a load of bullshit, and identical to the defense being used by the pozzed Canadian.
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@CiG Some guy panicked and backed his car out of a mob, unfortunately killing someone. Not exactly "taking it to a level the left doesn't want to be exposed to". There's been other clashes where this is more the case, but not Charlottesville.

Even if you remove the car incident (I didn't know he reversed into the crowd, for some reason I thought it was headfirst) the right have still proven that they can take it to a level the left don't want to be exposed to. AntiFa put women on their frontlines and fill their ranks with noodle-armed soybois and a large chunk of the LGBT and now Tiny (if anybody knows this big Samoan guy) just goes around beating the shit out of anybody who messes with him. A movement of people who fundamentally reject masculinity cannot hope to compete with the right-wing street movements yet they just keep poking the fucking bear.

AntiFa should've just stuck to their war on rubbish bins and Starbucks windows.