If Mort Divine ruled the world

I heard that she had said other things on the identity politics side of crazy, but didn't know she was also an Obama drone strike cheerleader and a glow-in-the-dark. Sounds more like a Dem hyperpartisan than anything.

Her access to policy making is more concerning than her twitter rants. And she accuses other people of being entitled. She has no business anywhere near the table where adults are sitting.

Also, I looked more into the Fair thing and I like how WaPo's hot take is that the tweet was a success because it got Tucker Carlson to say "white genocide" on air, lmao.

Her access to policy making is more concerning than her twitter rants. And she accuses other people of being entitled. She has no business anywhere near the table where adults are sitting.

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Actually, regarding that rape story

They reported the assault to police and she went to UMC where a sexual assault nurses examination was conducted and the results confirmed her story.

What does this imply? Was her cunt so badly mangled to begin with that it resembled a rape? Do some "sexual assault nurses" have a conflict of interest at play? Do these examinations involve nothing more than searching for anybody's semen? This seems like the kind of thing that shouldn't have a high false-positive rate if it's sufficient to charge four people with rape.
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What does this imply? Was her cunt so badly mangled to begin with that it resembled a rape? Do some "sexual assault nurses" have a conflict of interest at play? Do these examinations involve nothing more than searching for anybody's semen? This seems like the kind of thing that shouldn't have a high false-positive rate if it's sufficient to charge four people with rape.

She might have had sex. Doesn't mean it was rape, and doesn't mean it was the accused. Not sure the "situation" of the vagina indicates rape or not, unless someone's hung like a horse and going in dry or using some sort of implement.
But surely rape kits don't work like "Hmm, yep, there was definitely sexual intercourse, it was rape".
I see. The original quote specifies sexual assault nurses, does it not? That implies more than just a rape kit.

See below:
But surely rape kits don't work like "Hmm, yep, there was definitely sexual intercourse, it was rape".


Watching some Quebecois friends talk about their recent elections, is it just me or is "populism wins again" possibly the most redundant phrase in recent political discourse? Oh really, the politician/political party with the most popular manifesto won the election? I'm utterly shocked, damn you populism!