If Mort Divine ruled the world

Shooter was a black lesbian who was a disgruntled employee. No one cares though because it doesn't fit the liberal narrative:



lol New York Post, good one Ozz



Pretty funny/strange that in the aftermath of something like this, people are arguing about whether the shooter preferred to be addressed by masculine or feminine pronouns.
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I know Pat does, but he must pretend that he has no knowledge of the human body and no knowledge of economic theory and history.

Capitalism has provided so much energy excess that we have an obesity problem, which contributes to a variety of health problems which place a significant burden on the healthcare system. Somehow all of it is remedied by "communism". Well it is. If everyone dies, no problem!
Modern, western, medicine is, effectively, a waste of resources. Fortunately, Marxist medicine says it is too. We just need to stop saving all the sick minorities in the name of progress. OMG PARADOX.
I know Pat does, but he must pretend that he has no knowledge of the human body and no knowledge of economic theory and history.

Are you suggesting that I think Marxism is a solution? Did I say that?

My ideology hasn't killed nearly as many people as Marxism afaik.

Thankfully your ideology (whatever it is) is restricted to a metal forum on the internet. Where it deserves to remain.
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Are you suggesting that I think Marxism is a solution? Did I say that?

I'm not saying you would explicitly say or think so, but you might vote so or "Like" so. I find Republican rhetoric divorced from desirable action, and my father's Hannity love nauseating, but lesser of the two evils renders the republican candidate a better option. Likewise, you (or if not you, people you like) likely would find Ocasio et al a "lesser of two evils". However, I don't vote so I can keep my conscience clean.

Infrastructure develops because of discourse concerning the development of infrastructure. Did I need to spell that out?

You do, because "discourse" regarding infrastructure requires zero progressive interests (to use a non-loaded term), education, or understanding. Academics are mostly sheltered, ignorant fucks. That "hicks" are also mostly ignorant isn't a defense of academics. To put it in the crosshairs: I've never met a Progressive who is chomping to debate me about infrastructure.
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