If Mort Divine ruled the world

Rose McGowan Indicted for Cocaine Possession.

I've always felt that drugs-based character assassinations are bullshit, but given her deranged rants and non-stop TERFism this probably makes a lot of sense.

Also lmao:

"These charges would have never been brought if it weren’t for her activism as a voice for women everywhere. I assure you, this selective prosecution will be met with a strong defense."
I'm not saying you would explicitly say or think so, but you might vote so or "Like" so. I find Republican rhetoric divorced from desirable action, and my father's Hannity love nauseating, but lesser of the two evils renders the republican candidate a better option. Likewise, you (or if not you, people you like) likely would find Ocasio et al a "lesser of two evils". However, I don't vote so I can keep my conscience clean.

Not voting is a choice like any other. It's certainly not proof of absolution.

You do, because "discourse" regarding infrastructure requires zero progressive interests (to use a non-loaded term), education, or understanding.

Wooooooow, for serious? That's dumb, bro.
I'm sorry, they're not; but intellectual discourse shapes social discourse. Social decisions wouldn't happen without academics discussing social matters.

Infrastructure develops because of discourse concerning the development of infrastructure. Did I need to spell that out?

Wooooooow, for serious? That's dumb, bro.

Roads, bridges, canals, etc pre-exist anything like academia. The military needs roads so we get roads. Has been like that at least as far back as the Roman empire and continued through to the interstate system. Certainly engineers and construction managers get college degrees, but they don't engage in anything like what you would call "intellectual discourse" to do so or after. The "intellectuals" on campus certainly don't consider the guys who go to class with hardhats and clipboards intellectuals, and they also don't spend their time discussing infrastructure beyond "man the roads are really becoming full of potholes!"

Progressivism in the current year/decade/etc. is a big tent which includes environmentalists which want to see infrastructure reduced if not outright destroyed, and focuses almost entirely on social spending (eg healthcare, housing subsidies, etc). Social spending proposals, if they ever address anything approaching infrastructure, tend to be limited to "public transportation" or something like housing projects.

I've done a lot of traveling in the US, and even after accounting for wealth disparities in a region, guessing politics based on the state of the roads etc is certainly better than chance. Texas, long a conservative state, has some of the best infrastructure in the world despite its vast size. There are some exceptions though, like Houston. Guess how Houston tends to vote? Louisiana is a poor state so the roads aren't all the great period, but Shreveport had some of the worst roads I've ever had the displeasure of driving on back in like '09-'12. Guess how Shreveport tends to vote. You could tell where the city/county road responsibility started and stopped because of the immediate change in the condition or decondition of the pavement.

Yes, hicks do love hearing anti-intellectual straw man garbage from anti-intellectual intellectuals.

Academics =/= intellectuals, but I'm sure at some point trying to distinguish intellectuals would run afoul of no-true-scotsmanning.
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Roads, bridges, canals, etc pre-exist anything like academia. The military needs roads so we get roads. Has been like that at least as far back as the Roman empire and continued through to the interstate system. Certainly engineers and construction managers get college degrees, but they don't engage in anything like what you would call "intellectual discourse" to do so or after. The "intellectuals" on campus certainly don't consider the guys who go to class with hardhats and clipboards intellectuals, and they also don't spend their time discussing infrastructure beyond "man the roads are really becoming full of potholes!"

I already responded to HBB's similar comment. To put it simply, you're wrong. Discourse isn't just one-on-one conversations; it's how information circulates among professionals. Public policy experts, private consultants for independent contractors, and engineering professors read academic journals, and that knowledge gets disseminated throughout the students they teach.

Engineers may not be chatting with urban planners over coffee, but that doesn't mean the knowledge crafted through academic discourse never comes in contact with those working on the ground level.

Russian feminist (not ruling out that this is just a retarded publicity stunt rather than political activism TBH) who pours water (and bleach apparently) on the crotches of "manspreaders" on the train. 1) How did none of these men slap the bottle away or push her away and 2) How is this not sexual harassment, she's literally targeting their genitals.

Ozzman showed me this page on FB. The first post is already hilarious.

Can I please just interject. That video is so heavily edited as to be practically worthless. When he says "We begin in a patriarchal, heteronormative, blah blah blah..." he might very well be summarizing what another scholar has written. That entire video is 1:44 minutes of a presumably hour-long class (at least). It's hardly exemplary of the entire session or what most liberal arts classes are like, and I find it sad and a little embarrassing that this is how non-academics gauge academia.

Sorry, but my two cents.
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Don't think anybody is using this clip as an example of the average liberal arts class or to gauge academia, just laughing at pathetic far-leftists and students are more and more recording them. I also highly doubt there's any missing context that could completely change what is in the clip, he's clearly giving his personal opinions on things.
Clearly? The exact phrase that I mentioned is clearly presented to viewers as a single, excerpted sentence with no context, beyond the rest of the highly excerpted video and the fact that he's talking about white supremacy in America (which is a completely legitimate topic for a college course). People here criticize me for interpreting people's comments in context, yet we presume to be able to know what this guy means when we take a single sentence without any surrounding syntactical markers???

And this video is without a doubt being viewed by tons of right-wing academia-haters and framed as an example of the radical left-wing intellectuals out to poison our youth with Marxism or some such. It was on a fucking Facebook page called red elephant or whatever.
skinny black lesbians and morbidly obese white women and jack black kicking a dog off a bridge....
this thread's gotten weird
I heard that she had said other things on the identity politics side of crazy, but didn't know she was also an Obama drone strike cheerleader and a glow-in-the-dark. Sounds more like a Dem hyperpartisan than anything.
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