If Mort Divine ruled the world

fwiw, if you google "Ramadan worshipers" you can find stories about a 2017 terrorist attack in the UK. The bigger question is who feeds various top politicians and news agencies the quirky little phrases that get spammed around everywhere before being forgotten.
fwiw, if you google "Ramadan worshipers" you can find stories about a 2017 terrorist attack in the UK.

I Googled it and the phrase is used in the wider context of an article referring specifically to Muslims and a mosque, as opposed to Tweets from top politicians seemingly using more words on a platform that has a pretty strict limitation on the amount of characters you can use. I don't really see them as comparable.
It's not even that though, it's the phrase "Easter worshipers" which is a pretty bizarre and wordy euphemism. At least Trump actually said the word "church" in his Tweet.

Trump did something else retarded related to that, pretty sure he said millions died in the attacks.

View attachment 19774

Honest mistake I bet. Nobody is properly awake at 4AM.

Heh, "Easter worshippers", that's a new one. I just googled it and now im getting a kick out of all the backlash from offended Christians.

I just read an article that compares the way in which Hillary/Obama treated terrorism towards the Muslims in the New Zealand attack vs the Christians at Sri Lanka, and it is a bit condemning. There seems to definitely be a lack of willingness to acknowledge this as a Muslim terror attack on Christianity, but white supremacist terror on the other hand?
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the phrase "easter worshipers" actually kinda sounds like you're actually describing a group of non-christians
i would have either used the word "christians" and/or rephrased the sentence
maybe "christians attending easter services"
or "christians killed on christian holliday"
white unemployed woman spending parents' money purchasing clothes to dress up as a black woman that has a good-paying job

without the blackface make-up this really just looks like a little kid in a Halloween costume
are the people who cosplay 20 times a year actually mentally adults??
are "adult" cosplayers really just "6-foot-tall-6-year-olds"??
Honest mistake I bet. Nobody is properly awake at 4AM.

Heh, "Easter worshippers", that's a new one. I just googled it and now im getting a kick out of all the backlash from offended Christians.

I just read an article that compares the way in which Hillary/Obama treated terrorism towards the Muslims in the New Zealand attack vs the Christians at Sri Lanka, and it is a bit condemning. There seems to definitely be a lack of willingness to acknowledge this as a Muslim terror attack on Christianity, but white supremacist terror on the other hand?

I was reading an article myself in which Dennis Prager points out that Obama and Hillary's Tweets both say "worshiper" rather than "worshipper" which he thinks points to an overlap in their writing team or that Hillary simply copied Obama's Tweet lmao.

More importantly he shows that both politicians didn't hesitate to talk directly about Muslims after the Christchurch terror attack and Jews at times when synagogues were attacked. There seems to be a clear effort to specifically avoid referencing Christianity here. "Easter worshipers" is just hilariously wordy and bizarre.
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"Worshipper" is the British English spelling isn't it? At least for me, Firefox complains and prefers "worshiper". For some reason we delete the double-consonants.

EDIT: And Hillary doesn't write her own tweets, of course, she has a full PR team paid to do that for her.
I think I got it backwards, they used "worshipper" not "worshiper."

Anyway here's the article.

Eh. What a stupid fucking article. I nice representation of what I hate about American politics. This guy goes out way of his way to shit on entire left side of the political spectrum based on two fabricated tweets by two retired politics. Generalizing out of his ass to show which side he's on. It's like if people on the other side claimed that all conservatives are analphabets because of misspellings in two of Trump's tweets. It's conspiracy-level bullshit.

Whenever somebody calls me a liberal I back off with "NO! GO AWAY! STOP! PLEASE! I'M LEAVING!" :tickled:
The Tweets were fabricated?

Bad word. Constructed I guess.

They were carefully writteb by some PR team whose only job is to make sure they don't break some social norm. It doesn't say anything about the politicians, let alone the entire left. That's laughable.
I don't really agree with Prager's agenda, and it's laughable to think Obama and Clinton represent the left in any meaningful way (center-left warhawks) but there's definitely a strange desire to not address the Sri Lanka attacks for what they were; a direct attack on Christianity and it's doubly strange that these two politicians have referred to attacks on other religious people/buildings as "attacks on [insert religion here]" but not in this case, and it is to some degree becoming a thing on the left, probably because Christianity is so often conflated with the west etc.

He accurately points out the discrepancy and the weird euphemism they invented if nothing else.
Just came across this Ilhan Omar controversy, the MSM and "fact checkers" aren't touching it, it seems:


American soldiers killing a couple hundred warlord's soldiers in a Dem-led UN rescue mission = thousands killed by American terrorism :lol:

Like, I'm usually as happy as anyone to shit on muh troops and muh flag when justified but this is some peak Chomsky.
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Isn't that the spastic you're in love with?

wot? I don't think there's a single currently-serving American politician I'm in love with.

Oh wait, I think I made some comment like "I love X, the best gift a conservative could have" recently, but I thought it was about some AOC comment, but same diff I guess. But yeah the above tweet made me laugh and in that sense I love it.
More importantly he shows that both politicians didn't hesitate to talk directly about Muslims after the Christchurch terror attack and Jews at times when synagogues were attacked. There seems to be a clear effort to specifically avoid referencing Christianity here. "Easter worshipers" is just hilariously wordy and bizarre.

I think you're reaching.

Almost all news reports are acknowledging that this was retaliation for the NZ attacks, and "Easter worshipers" just specifies when/where the attacks occurred--i.e. Easter services. It's not wordy and bizarre, it's specific and informative.

And here's the report from fucking Vox:

Christians are a minority in Sri Lanka, and the majority of Christians in the country are Roman Catholic. Easter is one of Christianity’s holiest days, and many Sri Lankan Christians were worshipping at church when the attacks took place.


No one's under the impression that this wasn't an attack against Christians.
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are all the muslims/dirty white libs from NZ now like "oh ok I see 8x as many people died in your attack maybe it's not so one sided and bad as we thought"?