If Mort Divine ruled the world

In what contexts do Czechs even observe black people?

Political campaigns have been using the image of black immigrants as a threat for years now. As a result, a lot of dumb people have become dumb racist people.

EDIT: Luckily I live in some sort of a social bubble because I only see this on the internet.
It was kind of mindblowing for me to discover that the main prelude to the Tiananmen Square protests were anti-African protests just months earlier.
it's kind of irrelevant anyways, the real analysis should be why so right wingers feel so bad about being called a liar and not a racist

Isn't it kind of obvious? People are getting accused of being racist for the most innocuous of things to the point where they just don't care anymore. Im pretty sure that my brother's girlfriend thinks that im racist because I made the mistake of telling a racist joke in her company (it wasn't even that offensive), and have mentioned social issues with a racial correlation (nothing stupid like 'all Muslims are terrorists' or any other prejudiced viewpoints). It's crazy how people jump to the conclusion to label you racist over the smallest things, and I just don't care anymore. Im not racist and have no reason to have to prove it. Id never label myself a right-winger, but if things are left/right, im more right than left. The left-winger white constituents are just constantly obsessing about race to the point where they feel the need to constantly patronize minorities. It's kind of racist, and deep down they know it, which is why they would feel more worried about being called a racist than a liar.

It's a niche definition..

Do you mean the whole 'racism is power, so black people can't be racist' sort of thing?
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It was kind of mindblowing for me to discover that the main prelude to the Tiananmen Square protests were anti-African protests just months earlier.

From Wiki:

Animosity towards African students was a late-1980s occurrence. There were no such cases of animosity in the 1960s, when scholarships provided by the Chinese government allowed many students from China-friendly African countries to study in Beijing. This policy was originally based on the idea of third world solidarity and Mao Zedong's linking of the fight against American and Soviet imperialism with Marxist class war. Many of these African students were given larger educational grants than native Chinese students, and hostility towards the Africans was a regular occurrence. Most of these students returned to their home countries before reaching the end of their courses due to poor living conditions and the political uncertainties of the Mao era. From the mid-1970s, China allowed African students to study outside of Beijing.

As well as resentment about the larger stipends given to African students, hostility from Chinese students towards Africans also flared up when there was contact between African men and Chinese women. In an incident in Shanghai in 1979, African students were attacked after playing loud music and making sexual remarks to Chinese women. These clashes became more common during the 1980s and sometimes led to arrests and deportations of African students. Cultural differences in dating habits added to the tensions.

Holy shit.
The African students playing loud music bit always makes me laugh. To think the American Supreme Court unanimously upheld banning of Chinese immigration out of fear that yellow people were much less relatable than black people. The story reads like something straight out of the 1950s South.
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When you read the accounts of what lead to the actual protest though it's pretty clear the African students dindu nuffin; a brawl started between African students and Chinese university guards because they were trying to bring in some suspected Chinese prostitutes, and then false rumours spread that a Chinese man had been killed in the brawl so students vandalized the African student dorms, set them on fire etc.
To be fair it's difficult to know the truth behind any story that comes out of China because of their extreme media censorship, particularly any pre-internet story.
I clicked on the profile of a guy claiming that story was made as part of a racist anti-immigrant conspiracy, to find that his profile playlist was full of videos on how to factory reset phones. thinking-face_1f914.png
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In further efforts to increase accountability and transparency, Microsoft plans to continue to share annual pay equity and representation data and will also include data about career advancement. A commitment to diversity and inclusion will be part of the rewards process for all employees and a factor in compensation decisions for senior leaders, according to Nadella. “If you are not helping to create an inclusive culture, your rewards, your career trajectory and possibly even your employment will be impacted,” Nadella wrote.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences, shitlords.
It's not even that though, it's the phrase "Easter worshipers" which is a pretty bizarre and wordy euphemism. At least Trump actually said the word "church" in his Tweet.

Trump did something else retarded related to that, pretty sure he said millions died in the attacks.
