If Mort Divine ruled the world

Didn't know who Logan Paul was so I googled the name and see a lot of kvetching over Logan Paul platforming this alt-right bigot by bringing him back to YouTube. He's got the blonde-hair blue-eyes thing going too so I definitely see the crypto-Nazi in him.
Wait, you didn't know who Logan Paul was until now? Dude is a total d-bag who has one of the biggest followings on youtube, that just so happens to be composed of 12 year old girls.

My god Jones annihilated him. I need to see the whole clip of this.

Oh hell, like she wasn't already given far more credit for her accomplishments via media just BECAUSE she was a woman? Serisouly jesus christ.
I had heard about the suicide forest thing. Dunno, I guess YouTube just showed me mercy, I generally try to avoid clicking on any recommended sidebar videos because once you do they fucking flood you.
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Shades of Colour and a group called RaricaNow demanded the Pride society provide $20,000 to each group to create spaces specific to queer, trans, black, Indigenous and people of colour at the festival.

lmao, a literal shakedown.
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Reilly studied 409 reported hate crimes over the past five years that received media attention. They include incidents such as the racist graffiti at Eastern Michigan University and the minority woman in Grand Rapids who claimed a group of white men urinated on her.

“In major cases, almost all of them have been hoaxes,” Reilly says. “The number of hate crime hoaxes actually exceeds the number of convictions. The majority of these high-profile incidents never happened.”
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