If Mort Divine ruled the world

the dramatic tinges are so annoying lol

“None of these forms are allowing me to feel proud of it, because I’m just white according to them.”

"“It’s another erasure of both Middle Eastern and North African people.”

oops :lol:

"We have no way to talk about diversity or discrimination because if we’re white, we can’t be discriminated against based on race. And so we’re left in this gray area.”

fwiw, while CNN and the whole #WomynInSTEM group are obviously picking favorites and inspiring millions of women to not go into science because they now officially have the icon they need, /pol/ crowds are skewing the story out of proportion themselves by using unreliable metrics like GitHub commits or sheer lines of code. Most of those 850k lines of code were apparently imported data, and neither of them invented the particular techniques used to image the blackhole (both were younger post-docs). It's Kazunori Akiyama and Michael Johnson who were the senior leaders of the imaging team, which in turn was just one team of several involved in the project.

EDIT: A new development I hadn't seen, lol (the NYT reply specifically)

womyn power.png
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sick, his git is public.

obs = simim.observe(eht, tint_sec, tadv_sec, tstart_hr, tstop_hr, bw_hz, add_th_noise=add_th_noise, ampcal=ampcal, phasecal=phasecal,
stabilize_scan_phase=stabilize_scan_phase, stabilize_scan_amp=stabilize_scan_amp, gain_offset=gain_offset,
gainp=gainp, jones=jones,inv_jones=inv_jones,dcal=dcal, frcal=frcal, dterm_offset=dterm_offset, seed=seed)

ugly ass non CS people writing code :lol:
Fuck the "MSM" designation. It's legacy media. A dinosaur comprised of midwits and sycophants.

Twitter, Buzzfeed, and TeamYaaaas aren't really legacy media either tho, and CNN in particular is trying the hardest to stay on recent social media trends/mechanisms. Though I'm not 100% sure about exactly how this blew up; I think MIT posting a tweet yesterday morning specifically celebrating Katie Bouman was the impetus, though most news sources failed to recognize that MIT themselves didn't lead this project (though she did lead the imaging aspect of MIT's portion of the project, it seems).
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lol, and no credit was been given to the guy who actually led the entire project until retrospectively.

[URL said:
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/11/science/katie-bouman-black-hole.html[/URL] ]
The project, led by Shep Doeleman, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, was the work of more than 200 researchers. About 40 of them were women, according to Harvard’s Black Hole Initiative.

Im not against the idea that "women can do great things", but the media misrepresentation is nauseating.
I was expecting that Sarah Nervosh to blow things up even more on the gender aspect but that was a fair and more thorough article tbh. It's really just a social media issue and less-reliable outlets blowing up trending Twitter shit as news.


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Didn't know who Logan Paul was so I googled the name and see a lot of kvetching over Logan Paul platforming this alt-right bigot by bringing him back to YouTube. He's got the blonde-hair blue-eyes thing going too so I definitely see the crypto-Nazi in him.
Wait, you didn't know who Logan Paul was until now? Dude is a total d-bag who has one of the biggest followings on youtube, that just so happens to be composed of 12 year old girls.

My god Jones annihilated him. I need to see the whole clip of this.

Oh hell, like she wasn't already given far more credit for her accomplishments via media just BECAUSE she was a woman? Serisouly jesus christ.