If Mort Divine ruled the world

Your main concern is isolated to what you perceive as the sub replacement fertility rates of educated, well-to-do families--hence your earlier comment about "quality of population."

If that's your concern, then why is adoption not enough to boost its (let's say) reproductivity rate? It strikes me that simply having a child, whether biologically or through adoption, adds to the potential for future fertility.

Also, I should just say that I don't believe in reproduction for reproduction's sake, like CIG said--especially if it impacts people's personal livelihood.

How does adoption increase the population?

The bit about personal livelihood is a key point of criticism from the burgeoning nationalistic political movement towards the economy as so organized over the last ~100 years if not longer. It should not make poor economic sense to have children.

Note to our customers: please don’t throw our beer over fascists. Hit them over the head with a brick as is traditional.

Brewery company advocates political violence, gets blown out in the responses, tries to pull the "just a joke bro" move.

Pulling an AOC.
How does adoption increase the population?

I'm specifically referring to your insinuation about increasing fertility rates in certain regions ("dirtworlders" was your term, I think) and decreasing rates in others. I'm saying if you want to even the rates, adoption is a perfectly viable way to do that.

The bit about personal livelihood is a key point of criticism from the burgeoning nationalistic political movement towards the economy as so organized over the last ~100 years if not longer. It should not make poor economic sense to have children.

You think it's not a key point of criticism from other cultural communities--say, academic intellectuals?

But you're going to wrap this into a commentary on the development of coastal urban centers and intellectual elites and how that entire lifestyle is to blame (at least in part) for sub replacement fertility rates, and that if people living there can't afford children it's because of the economic infrastructure/organization that's emerged "over the last ~100 years if not longer."

If coastal living is too expensive for young professionals to have children, objectors will say those professionals should move somewhere more affordable. When they insist that the careers they've prepared for and love aren't available elsewhere (or are severely limited), objectors will say that they should take other jobs. When they insist that they'll be unhappy doing other jobs, objectors will say "Have children. That's your ultimate purpose anyway."

And that's the crux of the issue for people like Zero HP Lovecraft.
I'm specifically referring to your insinuation about increasing fertility rates in certain regions ("dirtworlders" was your term, I think) and decreasing rates in others. I'm saying if you want to even the rates, adoption is a perfectly viable way to do that.

How does that even the rates?

You think it's not a key point of criticism from other cultural communities--say, academic intellectuals?

But you're going to wrap this into a commentary on the development of coastal urban centers and intellectual elites and how that entire lifestyle is to blame (at least in part) for sub replacement fertility rates, and that if people living there can't afford children it's because of the economic infrastructure/organization that's emerged "over the last ~100 years if not longer."

If coastal living is too expensive for young professionals to have children, objectors will say those professionals should move somewhere more affordable. When they insist that the careers they've prepared for and love aren't available elsewhere (or are severely limited), objectors will say that they should take other jobs. When they insist that they'll be unhappy doing other jobs, objectors will say "Have children. That's your ultimate purpose anyway."

And that's the crux of the issue for people like Zero HP Lovecraft.

Well that might be rather accurate. Urban centers as "IQ shredders" has been an NRx meme for a while. I don't see the problem as confined to the coast though, although it might be most concentrated there just be virtue of sheer numbers of people and hedonistic options.
this^^^ makes me remember the fact that there were FEMALES that voted for Donald Trump
How does that even the rates?

If one regional population's reproduction rate is in decline and another's is increasing, then transplanting children from the increasing population to the declining one means that the declining population has better odds of producing more children in the future.
If one regional population's reproduction rate is in decline and another's is increasing, then transplanting children from the increasing population to the declining one means that the declining population has better odds of producing more children in the future.

Well that depends on the reasons for the disparity not changing. But somewhat true. Unfortunately, the places with high TFR are Muslim and/or have average IQ ranges of <65-85. IQs of 85 or lower can barely do the most basic, repetitive of jobs, and that's between 80-85. That's the reason the the reason the 3rd world of today has been an intractable problem. Furthermore, ehen you import enough 3rd world people, you get third world problems, which include currently, high TFR but terrible living standards because almost no one is smart enough to engage in, much less manage the necessary systems and technology.
Well that depends on the reasons for the disparity not changing. But somewhat true. Unfortunately, the places with high TFR are Muslim and/or have average IQ ranges of <65-85. IQs of 85 or lower can barely do the most basic, repetitive of jobs, and that's between 80-85. That's the reason the the reason the 3rd world of today has been an intractable problem. Furthermore, ehen you import enough 3rd world people, you get third world problems, which include currently, high TFR but terrible living standards because almost no one is smart enough to engage in, much less manage the necessary systems and technology.

If you adopt children at a young age you can avoid every single third world problem you just listed. Arguably, you can avoid them simply by introducing adolescents to first-world education and socialization.
If you adopt children at a young age you can avoid every single third world problem you just listed. Arguably, you can avoid them simply by introducing adolescents to first-world education and socialization.

We have children in the US with IQs between 65-85 (or lower) and schooling and socialization doesn't do much for them. Why would it do much for children from other places where it's less of an anomaly? Also, those national IQs are likely including adults, who arguably would have some school. If we expect schooling to have such a huge effect, we might assume the children coming in are so far down that schooling only gets them too 65-85. In the meantime, these children consume massive amounts of resources for likely minimal gains, and those capable of producing excess resources exit the scene. Who is going to provide foreign aid the the 1st world?
I think it's unfair to compare the educational systems of first- and third-world countries. You can't blame low IQs in third-world countries on biology (or whatever) when those countries don't have the same kind of educational infrastructure. If you take children from those populations and introduce them to more developed educational systems at a young enough age, their intelligence would improve. Differences in human biology likely aren't significant enough to forestall pre-adolescent intelligence despite educational infrastructure. In other words, it's likely you could take many of those low-IQ pre-adolescents in third-world countries, transplant them into first-world countries, and their intelligence would improve.
I think it's unfair to compare the educational systems of first- and third-world countries. You can't blame low IQs in third-world countries on biology (or whatever) when those countries don't have the same kind of educational infrastructure. If you take children from those populations and introduce them to more developed educational systems at a young enough age, their intelligence would improve. Differences in human biology likely aren't significant enough to forestall pre-adolescent intelligence despite educational infrastructure. In other words, it's likely you could take many of those low-IQ pre-adolescents in third-world countries, transplant them into first-world countries, and their intelligence would improve.

There would likely be some improvement yes, but I would guess more from nutrition and literacy than school in general. Information retention rates from school are abysmal. Those coming in at 80-85 might be bumpable to 100ish. but those <65-70 likely still can't even be bumped to capable of doing jobs that are already being automated away. So this would just be a different route to the Idiocracy future. Of course I don't think that's exactly what will happen, just saying what would happen if things were left to carry out without intervention. But of course wars and stuff happen and radically change things. Or new political and social movements. Like a focus on supporting domestic family formation rather than trying to import charity cases. Israel is doing quite well with this. They've managed to halt, if not reverse their TFR decline, and it's not simply due to the Orthodox.
Having gone through a few objections/uncertainties, I'll just reiterate that I'm not sure how reproduction for reproduction's sake--as an ideological focus or centerpiece--is conducive to the improvement of personal livelihood on a social level. I'm not sure exactly where that maxim leads, but I'm fairly certain it doesn't lead to any kind of society that promotes freedom of choice. I don't think people should be allowed to do anything, but I think unimpeded access to birth control technologies makes sense.
Having gone through a few objections/uncertainties, I'll just reiterate that I'm not sure how reproduction for reproduction's sake--as an ideological focus or centerpiece--is conducive to the improvement of personal livelihood on a social level. I'm not sure exactly where that maxim leads, but I'm fairly certain it doesn't lead to any kind of society that promotes freedom of choice. I don't think people should be allowed to do anything, but I think unimpeded access to birth control technologies makes sense.

Well I'm not against contraceptives generally speaking. I've been using it for years. I'm not sure what "unimpeded access" means though, and I specifically said contraceptives rather than birth control since abortion is birth control.

The original tweet was making the point that women's lib is mostly biological liberation. My further point is that modern first world economies/culture actively discourage the most fit from having children through incentives.
60% of male managers now say they’re uncomfortable mentoring women.

The #MeToo and Time’s Up movements have brought huge attention to the challenges women face at work, but a new survey finds that 60% of male managers say they’re uncomfortable mentoring, working one-on-one or socializing with a woman.

According to the survey, released by LeanIn.org and SurveyMonkey, that’s a 33% increase from last year.

Senior-level men also say they are 12 times more likely to be hesitant about one-on-one meetings with a junior woman than they are a junior man, nine times more likely to be hesitant to travel with a junior woman for work than a junior man, and six times more likely to be hesitant to have a work dinner with a junior woman than a junior man.