If Mort Divine ruled the world

^^ TDS at its finest.

guess it's weird to frame european/american hatred of jews as white on white violence :lol:

I might just be stupid, but ive always viewed Jews as mostly white. All my Jewish friends and acquaintances all seem rather white to me.
Twitter is a biased sample, but the number of times you read "Actually, I'm Jewish" when an ostensibly white person is called out for something related to their ostensible whiteness on Twitter, indicates that they don't think you can be both.
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It's a half-joke where many white Jews (particularly non-religious white ethnic Jews) will apologize on behalf of whites as a whole but then individually identify as non-white, for political convenience. Realistically yeah Jews are roughly as white as any other European group, but you don't see Italians or Irish saying "Ummm excuse me I'm McDago not white". This is realized in how Jews are highly over-represented in various things yet tend to be strong proponents of affirmative action and other similar measures. Yale is an extreme example, something like 50% white, but of those whites a strong majority is actually Jewish; non-Jewish whites are underrepresented as a percentage of the overall population. (Admittedly one can slice the stats other ways, e.g. of the black proportion, the majority are first-generation immigrant Africans/Caribbeans and only a small percentage are black descendants of American slavery).

EDIT: re Funerary_Doom

guess it's weird to frame european/american hatred of jews as white on white violence :lol:

This is true too, as Jews have of course been treated as outsiders in most other white European communities. But it's not exactly the poor Belarusian-Jewish diaspora that make up a majority of American Jews; America has been (relatively) accepting of Jews since the colonial days, with South Carolina having actually a fairly large Jewish settlement in Charleston, and 200 years later became one of the epicenters of reform Judaism. Not to mention that a number of prominent businessmen in the slave and cotton trades moved North and became bankers after the end of slavery, e.g. the Lehman Brothers. I mean, the recent synagogue killing is considered the worst anti-Jewish massacre in our history on this continent, and that killed 8 people, far far fewer than massacres against every other ethnic minority. In sum, American Jews need to check their privilege.
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I don't care if faggots wanna LARP Nazism, just leave me out of it. I'm not your comrade because I use "88" haha. I even had this extremely triggered Finnish dickhead one time try to say I was a neo-Nazi because on Facebook I go by my initials "S.A." and apparently even that stands for something Nazi-related.

fair enough but its understandable for nazis to think that...i would ask if the 88 is a reference to hitler berore just blindly assuming tho

not sure about S.A (looked it up and it was paramilitaty division like the SS) never heard of ppl using it as a nazi symbol, just SS cuz it looks like the rune
The Dayton shooter may have been exhibiting prodromal symptoms of schizophrenia. The El Paso Shooter's dad worked at an inpatient psych hospital. Wonder if there are connections there?


What the public should be looking at is the fact that the FBI gave our son the means to make this happen. He has no job, no money, no vehicle, and no driver’s license, due to the fact that he is schizophrenic and we; his parents do everything we can possible to keep him safe and functional. The mental health system has consistently failed us due to the lack of establishments and health care coverage for a person like him. He has attended college and just enrolled in welding school. His medications allow him to be somewhat functional but he will never be completely functional in life. His brain does not work like a normal person and never will due to the nature of his mental illness. He has suffered through countless serious full-blown schizophrenic delusional episodes and he has been put in numerous mental hospitals since he was 16 years old. The FBI came and picked him up from our home, they gave him a vehicle, gave him a fake bomb, and every means to make this happen none of which he had access to on his own. We know who their informant is and what the public should know is that he is that a drug-dealing criminal. On June 15, 2017, Jerry’s Father told the criminal informant “that he was not allowed back on our property and if he returned we would have him arrested for trespassing and drugs”. Apparently, he continued to sneak onto our residence. The FBI paid him to continue this operation and I believe they have cleared his criminal record.

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Comedy gold. No clapping, no gendered language like "guys" etc, no talking to non-staff attendees, no light chatter in the crowd due to sensory overload, no talking while black women are speaking specifically, the word "comrade" used every ten seconds.

I think this is a pretty good demonstration of why left-authoritarian governments are so prone to paranoia and internal purges, these people want to change society and take on the right but they can't even agree on how to function within their extremely niche political community. How do you have a conversation with the other side if you can't even talk to your "comrades" without micro-managing every aspect of their conduct?
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That is so pathetic I feel like it has to be satire. The idea of safe spaces is going way too far if this is indeed indicative of these events. Id be interested to see how this event progressed and if they really did have a discussion at all outside of how to not offend one another.
lol, the "debate" that has transpired over this is one of the dumbest in recent history. Reminds me of middle school where you would get all bent out of shape when somebody called you names. Trump's trolling of CNN yet again is hilarious.
NIMBY has prevented the city of Dallas Texas from having anywhere near the number of "low income apartment units" that we're supposed to have
is this a list of things that won't pop-up in a google-search??

that's censoring the internet
that's violating "free speech"