If Mort Divine ruled the world

Listened to about a third of the interview, parts here and there. Pretty meh unless I accidentally missed the good parts. Wasn't expecting Joe to go hard since he usually is nice to really big name interviewees, but Sanders talks about how the media doesn't give enough time to candidates to give proper, complete answers, and then goes and gives more or less the same answers to Joe's questions anyways (just with a calmer tone of voice).

Sanders: Do you know how much the University of California schools cost back in the 1950s?
Joe: How much?
Sanders: Very little.
Joe: How much do they cost now?
Sanders: A lot.

Like lmao, you ask the question like you're going to drop a bomb and you can't even excite Joe enough to do the wide-eyed WOAAAHH thing he always does. And he's half-wrong anyways; the UC system is relatively special in that the bottom 50th percentile of students receive free tuition anyways, thanks in part to California's rather high state income tax (and all the rich people living there).

Joe: So how is it that companies like Amazon actually get away with paying nothing in taxes?
Sanders: Powah and money. They put their money in Bermuda or Panama or Lichtenstein.

Never thought he was particularly deep thinker or anything but I was hoping he'd come equipped with at least a few spicy anecdotes. From the perspective that he'd probably accomplish nothing, however, it's another reason to vote for him should he by some crazy miracle/tragedy receive the nomination.

Weak on the mental health aspect of spree shooters too, just talked about Medicare For All as if it isn't middle-upper class man-children on their parents' insurance that commit the majority of these massacres (well, the ones that make headlines anyways). Barely even tried to relate the usual spiel to the relevant problem.
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Fully agree, but in all fairness Joe's 1 hour interviews are almost always shit/boring/a letdown regardless of who they are. 1 hour is a lot when you recorded 3 hours worth of shit and it gets edited down to 1 hour for TV, but just straight up 1 hour isn't enough. A good conversation only starts to warm up like 30 mins in, Bernie needs to come back and do a proper JRE episode imo.

Edit: Bernie is definitely one of the more bland/boring progressives. This is a guy that bent the knee to Clinton, he doesn't have too many hot takes in him. Joe should have someone like Ilhan on lmao. His episodes with Tulsi and Yang were much more exciting.
.... "but we've always been the same" ... "changing world". Pick one. Are we going to act like "white guilt", the media etc arent some of the sharpest knives the left has in their drawer? Do i need to explain to you why and how? The explosion of social media is literally one of the most important things to happen them. I see no point continuing this with you because you are illiterately just regurgitating what the left has convinced most of the average joe's(including some republicans who were dumb enough to vote for him the first time around). I thought you were smarter than that ... actually no, i didnt.

so you're attributing Obama to developing and fostering the human interest and problems surrounding social media? :lol:

I like the arrogance to think basic conservative talk radio/rush Limbaugh esque talking points are the intelligent ones :lol:
Fucked if I know. *shrug*
kinda just assumed it was some celebrity you liked (or hated) but that i just didn't recognize him

yes my avatar is just a random internet picture of some random person goofing off
i can't even remember how i found my avatar picture
The most egregious example of TDS yet:


NBC News contributor Frank Figliuzzi said Monday that President Trump’s decision to fly American flags half-staff until Aug. 8-- in response to the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings-- could be seen by white supremacists as a nod to Adolf Hitler.

Figliuzzi, a former FBI assistant director for counterintelligence, made the claim during an MSNBC broadcast with Brian Williams. Trump issued the order on Sunday “as a mark of solemn respect” for the victims of the shootings.

“The president’s either getting really good advice and rejecting it, or he’s getting really bad advice," he said. "We have to understand the adversary and the threat we’re dealing with, and if we don’t understand how they think we’ll never understand how to counter them, so it’s the little things and the language and messaging that matters.

“The president says that we will fly our flags at half-mast until August 8, that’s 8/8. Now I’m not going to imply that he did this deliberately, but I am using it as an example of the ignorance of the adversary that’s being demonstrated by the White House,” Figliuzzi continued. “The numbers 8/8 are very significant in the neo-Nazi and the white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter ‘H’ is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them, the numbers 8/8 stand for ‘Heil Hitler."

“So we’re going to be raising the flag back up at dusk on 8/8. No one’s thinking about this. No one’s giving the advice, or he’s rejecting the advice,” he added.

Trump made remarks Monday condemning white supremacy and called for reforms at the intersection of mental health and gun laws, including so-called "red flag laws" to take guns from those deemed a public risk.

“Our nation is overcome with shock, horror and sorrow,” Trump said, in solemn remarks from the White House. “We are outraged and sickened by this monstrous evil.”

The president also condemned white supremacy, responding to reports that the shooter in El Paso wrote a racist manifesto

"In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy,” Trump said, standing beside Vice President Pence. “These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hatred has no place in America.”

The left is literally grasping at straws in the current year because their agenda is floundering. Trump is going to win in a landslide in 2020.
how exactly is having a flag at half-staff a fucking nod to anyone at all??
let alone mutherfucking hitler??
what the effing hell??
When I first heard of that story yesterday I was so certain it was some Onion or /pol/ joke. To be fair, old Frank probably has a lot of experience at the FBI with baiting autistic schizos into white supremacy terror plots (to speak nothing of the decade+ history of the FBI doing the same to borderline Muslims). His job is to see problems, and where the problem only half-exists, he sees them through.
Mitch McConnell (or his spokesman or whatever) explicitly denounced the kids making out with an AOC cardboard cutout and multiple media outlets reported that he/they said "boys will be boys".