Oblivious Maximus
I am the worm
So fucking brave. Look at those evil fucking fascists trying to spread their hatred to the other side of the street.
So fucking brave. Look at those evil fucking fascists trying to spread their hatred to the other side of the street.
I thought I recalled a conversation in which you said you didn't like his prose. Carry on.
I have no idea what Cormac McCarthy's values are, so I can't see the judge as the opposite of them.
McKinnon is a vocal trans advocate who has spoken out in favour of trans women competing in women’s sports, has physically dominated biological women in her own sport of cycling, and, most recently, has taken to Twitter to pen endless threads against the so-called “cotton ceiling.”
If you haven’t heard of the cotton ceiling, consider yourself lucky. Per Curve Magazine, the phrase was “coined by porn actress and activist Drew DeVeaux in 2015. It’s been used to refer to the tendency by cisgender lesbians to outwardly include and support trans women, but draw the line at considering ever having sex with them.”
Trans athlete claims lesbians are transphobic for not liking penises.
Dissident lesbians and TERFs are slowly becoming my favourites for entertaining drama.
In fact, the gay rights movement was able to gain mainstream societal acceptance precisely due to the claim that homosexuality is not a choice, but an innate characteristic, just like heterosexuality, or green eyes.
noPlaying a bit of a "devil's advocate" here, isn't it possible the disagreement with the "manifesto" means that any other "substance" is thrown out with the proverbial bathwater?
Ok this part talks about something I've been saying for a while, although probably not in here, that I think the T agenda is inherently different to the L, G, and B agenda, and even collides with those. While LGB groups want to erase the stupid society stigma about sexuality and LGB's being sick people, Trans agenda is feeding off of the gender differences expected and perpetuated by society while at the same time healing their difference as a sickness with surgery and pills.
So far nobody has explained to me why the T is included in the movement. Because I like the idea that society needs to accept all minorities and I'm all for erasing unnecessary gender-based prejudice - I think it should be ok to dress like a girl and have a dick and vice-versa, just as it should be ok to be attracted to the same gender. The very thing I like about the pride movement is that it's the society that needs to heal, not the different individuals. Those hardcore trans people like McKinnon make it really hard for me to understand. Her bullshit just doesn't make sense.
I honestly don't even give a shit about all the body modification they're into, just don't force me (whether through the law or social justice mob rule) to call you a woman when you're just a mutilated dude, or in some cases not even that, just a fully functional dude in a dress.
Oh boo hoo you have to treat someone with respect
How sad for you
Sounds like a lame hardcore song.Also, there's no such thing as involuntary respect.