If Mort Divine ruled the world

The algorithms that detect hate speech online are biased against black people.
A new study shows that leading AI models are 1.5 times more likely to flag tweets written by African Americans as “offensive” compared to other tweets.

Nice spin job here. If it were 1.5 times more likely to flag whitey Tweets the headline would be "White People Are More Likely To Use Hate Speech Online" but because it seems like black people are using hate speech online more than whitey it must mean the AI is biased.

Good luck getting AI to detect context so it doesn't include casual use of the N-word in its hate speech data. :lol:

The lyrics suggest the rapper regrets the secular music he’s built his fame on. In fact, West’s personal pastor recently revealed he had to convince the rapper not to quit rap music and that the star called the genre “devil’s music”.

This disavowal of secular music gives fans some insight into why the much-hyped Yandhi was never released. As West raps: “Everybody wanted Yandhi, then Jesus did the laundry.”

Based yeezy.
Jordan Potter: 12 rules for adolescent wizarding!

Clean your wand...


Tidy your staircase closet.

Real talk though, Peterson needs to either retire or take a long ass break, it isn't normal to cry as much as he does these days. He's crying so much even the anti-emotion shaming crowd are throwing caution to the wind and mocking him. It's weird and sad.
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Anti-secularism Kanye?

The Christian thing is almost just a theme of justification. He's anti-Dem/anti-victim. Pro-localism. Pro-concrete change. Pro-action. He has fuck-you money and a following. If it sticks, and he doesn't just lose everyone, he's going to do more for not only black America, but younger people in general as well. He's turned completely into the cultural headwinds that sellouts like JayZ jumped 100% behind. Call it mental illness, call it courage, I don't care. He can be a massive force for positive change if he doesn't flake out or go crazy. Or get Clintoned.
Anybody familiar with Nicholas Fuentes? Far-right/alt-right/whatever dude, he tried to go to the Charlie Kirk vs Kyle Kulinski Politicon debate and was stopped by security, and then apparently the event's Q&A segment was cancelled because of him.

Pretty entertaining in-fighting going on lately, and Kirk is another freeze peach gimmicktard that ends up violating their own principles (like Jordan Peterson did to Faith Goldy tbh). He seems terrified of questions about race and demographics.

I've never heard of Charlie Kirk (Turning Point USA rep apparently? boomer conservative shit) but Fuentes is basically just /pol/ channeled into a semi-successful e-pundit career. I've listened to very few e-pundit debates but I did listen to one with Sargon, Fuentes, Destiny, and some Young Turks guy (not Cenk) several months ago, and Fuentes played down some of the edgier moments of his past, so I don't think he's the type to just provoke people for the sake of it. But per the twitter link above, apparently he tried to get a photo with the Charlie Kirk guy, which is obviously something that an attempted mainstream conservative voice would have to distance himself from, lest he be labeled by the SPLC as "an associate of alt-right white supremacist Nick Fuentes".

Public political discourse in the USA is pretty useless these days unless it involves killing people and uploading a manifesto.
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I'm not very familiar with the guy myself (Fuentes that is, don't think I've seen that Sargon/Destiny/Nick debate) but my favourite political "discourse" lately has been the far-right going after people like Charlie Kirk who is like a Young Hip Kanye Fan™ version of Ben Shapiro (complete with neocon apologia and Zionist shillery). Charlie Kirk is the guy who teamed up with that Trumplet Candace Owens fyi.

Now there are alt-righters at all of Kirk's events asking questions about Israel, replacement rates, homosexuality in the conservative movement and a bunch of other edgy shit basically to make him look like a cuck because he's basically just a neoliberal. I dunno, I find shit like that entertaining.

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Yeah I watched a few of those Q&A's in the twitter feed, hilarious stuff. I think the alt-right is generally correct with respect to disavowing the idea of "good optics", which does nothing but slow the decline to the point of promoting complacency.

Candace Owens is pretty based though. I'm not a fan of the whole "Let's get blacks off the Democratic plantation" retardation that surrounds her (and that she may very well promote; I don't follow her actively) but anyone willing to go before Congress and take on left-wing grilling, including being accused of idolizing Hitler by a Congressman, is good in my book.
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Candace Owens is pretty based though. I'm not a fan of the whole "Let's get blacks off the Democratic plantation" retardation that surrounds her (and that she may very well promote; I don't follow her actively) but anyone willing to go before Congress and take on left-wing grilling, including being accused of idolizing Hitler by a Congressman, is good in my book.

She definitely does do a lot of that DNC plantation stuff but the congress shit more than makes up for her cringier moments I think, though I don't really follow her or anything beyond clicking something that sounds interesting when it gets shared on social media. I also remember one of her breakout moments, or at least it was the moment she came on my radar, was when she went on Dave Rubin to debate that tranny and straight up called her a dude for like 30 minutes. That was a hilarious shitshow.

Speaking of Destiny, I heard last night that he's going on a massive spergfest calling all his "friends" commies and shit because they called him out for self-admittedly using the N-word in private all the time. American drama is best drama, even Cenk's nephew is involved, the guy that said America deserved 9/11 and Dan Crenshaw's eye got fucked out by a brave Afghani soldier, and Cenk denounced him live on TYT. lmfao.
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That's the guy who was on the debate I mentioned, never knew he was Cenk's nephew, lmao. E-celebs are almost universally attention whoring drama hounds looking to attack each other for extra cred and clicks. Here's where they all first coalesced:

(Probably not worth listening to but it demonstrates what those four are about as well as anything)
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