If Mort Divine ruled the world

Yeah I watched a few of those Q&A's in the twitter feed, hilarious stuff. I think the alt-right is generally correct with respect to disavowing the idea of "good optics", which does nothing but slow the decline to the point of promoting complacency.

Candace Owens is pretty based though. I'm not a fan of the whole "Let's get blacks off the Democratic plantation" retardation that surrounds her (and that she may very well promote; I don't follow her actively) but anyone willing to go before Congress and take on left-wing grilling, including being accused of idolizing Hitler by a Congressman, is good in my book.
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Candace Owens is pretty based though. I'm not a fan of the whole "Let's get blacks off the Democratic plantation" retardation that surrounds her (and that she may very well promote; I don't follow her actively) but anyone willing to go before Congress and take on left-wing grilling, including being accused of idolizing Hitler by a Congressman, is good in my book.

She definitely does do a lot of that DNC plantation stuff but the congress shit more than makes up for her cringier moments I think, though I don't really follow her or anything beyond clicking something that sounds interesting when it gets shared on social media. I also remember one of her breakout moments, or at least it was the moment she came on my radar, was when she went on Dave Rubin to debate that tranny and straight up called her a dude for like 30 minutes. That was a hilarious shitshow.

Speaking of Destiny, I heard last night that he's going on a massive spergfest calling all his "friends" commies and shit because they called him out for self-admittedly using the N-word in private all the time. American drama is best drama, even Cenk's nephew is involved, the guy that said America deserved 9/11 and Dan Crenshaw's eye got fucked out by a brave Afghani soldier, and Cenk denounced him live on TYT. lmfao.
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That's the guy who was on the debate I mentioned, never knew he was Cenk's nephew, lmao. E-celebs are almost universally attention whoring drama hounds looking to attack each other for extra cred and clicks. Here's where they all first coalesced:

(Probably not worth listening to but it demonstrates what those four are about as well as anything)
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My disdain for HP is finally explained to me: Harry Potter is a girl, and the HP universe is an ignorant liberal female fantasy masquerading as a children's story for young adults.

The thing to note here, of course, is that Harry, the protagonist, is actually a female hero in the way his sexual introspection and romantic life plays out. In other words, Rowling lacks the power of imagination to put herself in male shoes and try to understand male sexuality. No sixteen-year-old boy is ever “confused” about his attraction to a girl, but Harry is. When Harry, as the sixteen year old captain of a winning sports team, stands there dumbfounded and surprised as his sassy, outgoing love interest grabs him and kisses him in the middle of a victory party, Rowling is actually doing damage to her impressionable young male readers. In real life, Harry, a chad jock at the highest status he’s ever been, would grab the girl he liked and kiss her, and she would like it, and he would carry her off to a private room as soon as no one was looking. That’s normal human sexuality.

Rowling tells us that men should act like women, and passively wait around for the girls they like to decide to act like high status men and jump their bones. This makes men frustrated and angry, because if you want a woman to actually jump your bones, you have to sexually tease and torment her until she can’t stand it, which is quite the opposite of a fifteen-year-old man brooding because he can’t understand the feeling of sexual jealousy, which Harry does. If you read Harry as a female protagonist in a romance novel, however, you get great insights into female sexuality. Harry doesn’t notice girls until they pay attention in some small way towards him. But not too much, because he is turned off by Ginny’s thirsty little girl crush until Ginny becomes more aloof and starts fucking other men. He is disgusted when Cho Chang breaks down crying on their date, because a girl would be disgusted in the same way by a man doing it, because Rowling is disgusted by it. Whereas when a man sees a girl display this vulnerability, the protecc instinct starts to fire up. Harry is a cuck, because he doesn’t start getting really interested in a girl until he becomes jealous of said girl fucking another man. But this is in game terms called preselection, and it’s how female sexuality works. Hermione, on the other hand, is Harry’s friendzoned beta orbiter.

:lol::lol: I haven't read/watched Harry Potter apart from the 1st movie, but even as someone who is/was a total beta when it comes to relationships these two paragraphs are utterly hilarious. I was definitely caught by surprise and dumbfounded by my first kiss, but not disinterested/confused at all. She was an incredibly cute woman 15 years older than me, I got complimented on my kissing ability and we kissed again. Then I got the hell outta there because she was a completely wild troublemaker and a smoker.

I didn't get frustrated and angry waiting for the next woman to jump me at all. It's a fantastic way of avoiding demanding/narcissistic people altogether, because they disappear quickly if you don't immediately act impressed at them. The theory being that the ones who share your hobbies and are genuinely interested in you rather than just themselves will stick around. I think quite a portion of women here think the same way, primarily wanting to make close friends who share their interests, and maybe have it turn into something more. Explains why foreign men looking for a fuck complain on Reddit etc. about NZ women seeming so cold to them.
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Apparently Emma Sulkowicz (aka 'Mattress Girl') got "red-pilled" (see; shacked up with a right-wing guy), became a libertarian and now feminists/SJWs are turning on her and cuckservatives are defending her on Twitter. Amazing the way ideology works.
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President Kanye West
Vice President Emma Sulkowicz
Secretary of State Piers Morgan
Secretary of Justice Kim Kardashian-West
Secretary of HHS Roseanne Barr

Who are some other based and redpilled true conservatives to lead the movement in 2024?


Since 2016, Sulkowicz has identified as gender fluid, and she sometimes uses they/them pronouns. When I ask what to use for this article, she texts me, “Lol I’m not clear about it either,” before settling on she/her.

It's either wealth or Jewishness that causes people to lose all sense of personal confidence and swerve head-first into schizophrenia.

EDIT #2: I love how "Chad", "incel", "redpilled", etc barely even need explaining anymore in mainstream left-wing papers.
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You spelled "dick" wrong.


It's either wealth or Jewishness that causes people to lose all sense of personal confidence and swerve head-first into schizophrenia.

Going to an upper class white/Jewish liberal school (especially as a young woman, double especially as a young woman of colour) and becoming a gender fluid Marxist hypochondriac is about as unsurprising as becoming a thug because you attend a lower class majority non-white school. Some of her critics have incidentally said some truths about her:



Still funny how fast people turned on her though. Now that she's a libertarian they probably wish she actually was raped. To make it even more ironic, she went to an event hosted by a libertarian rag and took a photo with Cathy Young, a writer who actually penned an article in that very rag shitting on her when the whole Mattress Girl thing first kicked off:


Secretary of State Piers Morgan

This caught me off-guard. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Is that the Chad? I mean, he still looks 1000x better than me so not trying to sound jealous or anything, mirin the upper arms and shoulders and all, but looking at the nose, now I know what she means by "smelling like Connecticut".

"Our top story tonight: an unlikely Romeo and Juliet story as these two politically-disparate figures, a Jewish woman and a Jewish man, find common ground and love"
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Is that the Chad? I mean, he still looks 1000x better than me so not trying to sound jealous or anything, mirin the upper arms and shoulders and all, but looking at the nose, now I know what she means by "smelling like Connecticut".

I believe it is, definitely gives off that GOP-NPC vibe. Looks like he probably loves Israel a lot.

On a sidenote, Emma reminds me of a Nosepass.