If Mort Divine ruled the world

You know what else doesn't do well in apocalypse experiments? Feminism. Boom.

It could. You'd claim a necessary truth that feminism couldn't work in an apocalypse scenario? I think that depends on the attitudes preceding the apocalypse scenario.

Like homeschooling with handmedown creationism books and 100 year old primers? :D

Plenty of wealthy business owners and politicians believe in creationism. What's your point?

That's an excellent point.

It could. You'd claim a necessary truth that feminism couldn't work in an apocalypse scenario? I think that depends on the attitudes preceding the apocalypse scenario.

That's some devil's advocacy that's off the rails.

Plenty of wealthy business owners and politicians believe in creationism. What's your point?

My point is that by all accepted metrics and public rhetoric in America, my education was shittier than shit. And yet my test scores never were.
That's some devil's advocacy that's off the rails.

And surprisingly (or not) I don't know what that means.

My point is that by all accepted metrics and public rhetoric in America, my education was shittier than shit. And yet my test scores never were.

And the educations of those who believe in creationism seem to have had a shittier education than shit. And yet their bank statements never were.
And surprisingly (or not) I don't know what that means.

Maybe we have different connotations of feminism, but Judith Butler isn't getting fed in The Day After Tomorrow without a radical change in social orientation.

And the educations of those who believe in creationism seem to have had a shittier education than shit. And yet their bank statements never were.

Private school is generally considered the creme de la creme, regardless of religious orientation. Not so much for homeschooling, especially in a household at/around the poverty line.
People's views on homeschooling are simply wrong then. It's still a better learning environment than a shitty ghetto public school.
It's really ironic that this #MasculinitySoFragile hashtag is trending amongst the SJWs and feminists, considering they're the main groups of people demanding protection from words, trigger warnings etc.

Then again irony never was their strong suit.

The Kafkatrapping is strong in this particular hashtag too.
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Kafkatrapping, forgot about that term. I have some simple heuristics that have served me fairly well. One of them is that as the number of things dangling from a rearview mirror goes up, likelihood that the driver is a good driver goes down. Another is that as the usage/embrace of hashtags goes up, likelihood of intelligence goes down.
It's really ironic that this #MasculinitySoFragile hashtag is trending amongst the SJWs and feminists, considering they're the main groups of people demanding protection from words, trigger warnings etc.

Then again irony never was their strong suit.


The Kafkatrapping is strong in this particular hashtag too.

I wish there was a way to separate the twitter/imgur feminists from the actual ones. I cannot tell who is serious (worthy of critique/response) and who is not
You just identified the way. If they're using social media, especially twitter and imgur, then don't lend them your ear.

You can't make an intellectual argument on twitter or imgur. It's mostly for attention or rhetorical performance.
I try not to discredit people simply on the medium they use, but I basically do that as is. What journalists out there or academics write provocative and interesting aspects of the feminist movement outside of abortion?
This is a very good collection, and only one or two essays on abortion. I own it, and Butler's intro is very strong, as are most of the pieces. There are also some major names in it (Butler, Scott, Spivak, Haraway, Chow, Poovey, Cornell, Mouffe - but all of them have made waves):


The Stone, on the NY Times, also occasionally has some good pieces on feminism that often attack the SJW brand.
It'd be easier to dismiss the tumblr/twitter feminism/social activism if it's influence was isolated to those mediums only, but it's not.
Also it's especially not possible when feminist/social activist-friendly journalists incorporate these influences.
I don't think I've ever met a "real" feminist activist. It's all SJWs all the time. Of course, mass movements are by definition vulgar, so it's not like it's the first time a movement with possibly any sort of intelligent underpinning was simultaneously completely destroyed and catapulted to success by seizing, spinning, and spewing herpderpage. If you're Alinsky, you just recognize this fact and utilize it.
I think the influence flows the other way, for the most part. The SJW crowd offers watered-down versions of more complex theories from the academy. Journalists might cite the online bunch, but academics don't, unless they're trying to demonstrate the scope and/or content of the debate in the public sphere.
Academics don't have as much impact on the culture, if you ask me.
Even if they did and the average person is still being brutish and flippant, I'd rather deal with the action of the masses rather than the intellectuals.

Same goes with religion, what the pope says about peace and love really is quite irrelevant if the average Catholic is perpetuating an oppositional, toxic kind of behaviour.
Academics don't have as much impact on the culture, if you ask me.
Even if they did and the average person is still being brutish and flippant, I'd rather deal with the action of the masses rather than the intellectuals.

In the long run academics end up having a HUGE impact on culture. At an almost unsurpassed level. It is one of the main reasons out country is being run by these vicious libs of today. This country is where it's at today because we opened our doors to the viral socialist professors from frankfurt and other like-minded piece of shits(Weil, Horkheimer, Lukacs, Adorno, Brecht, etc). They slowly injected their decaying marxist thought process(ex. the virus that is "Critical Theory") into our society via academia and ruined most of the schools here.

IMO academics and the media have more of an impact on the culture here than anything else. By far.