If Mort Divine ruled the world

The Hill published that an Oklahoma Rep rep was contacted and asked the Army for documentation. Unfortunately People Mag is the only outlet with a "scoop" right now.
I think TB has read one too many (one is one too many) Glenn Beck books.

Only Beck book i've read is the one on Common Core, you twat. Since you clearly seem know about the material in his books, do any touch on what we were talking about? Now i'm tempted to to check em out and see what that estrogen-filled crybaby is talking about.

No, critical theory is NOT utilized by "fucking progressive libs" today.
:lol: :lol: i just stopped right there. Please, just turn in your card and don't EVER speak on this subject again. I knew you were a lot of things, but i didnt think you would be such a straight up liar. Where did you go school, Tulane? Yea, they taught you well. :lol:
Figures you'd stop after the first sentence. That seems to be what you do with everything you read.

You have no knowledge on this subject, not much intelligence to speak of. If you want to prove the expansive influence of Frankfurt School Marxism on modern liberal politics, then by all means go ahead. But no one else here buys your lone-gun misfires.
You are the proof.

Don't lump up everyone else here with you and your ignorance. You want me to prove something that is already a friggin' proven FACT? :lol: You said you follow politics, watch the news, read articles etc and you're asking for proof? :lol: Man im done wasting my time with you. Like i said, you're the a picture perfect example of what those pathetic dirtbags have done to the school systems here. And i can tell i hit home and ruffled some feathers because of your full page response. Have fun living in clear denial.

Oh and i never discredited Habermas. But if you think Rawles had more of an impact than Horkheimer, Adorno, etc than you truly need to stop smoking whatever shit it is that the libs are putting in your pipe.
Have you ever actually contributed to debate or do you just spout statements and then get mad when they are challenged? I cannot tell if you are a troll or just that obnoxious in regards to your own intellect. Glad to see another stupid PP video was posted again though. Really great discussion there.
With which criteria do you decide that critical theory hasn't entered mainstream politics? If the west is legislating based on feminist theory, does that not lead to a terminus of critical theory in mainstream politics?
Absolutely not, if by "critical theory" we're talking about Frankfurt School Marxism. Feminism was a matter of minimal concern for those guys. In fact, later poststructuralist scholars accuse early critical theorists of being ignorant to feminist causes.

Modern feminism comes from Simone de Beauvoir, who wasn't a member of that school of thought, although she cavorted with Jean Paul Sartre. Current feminism comes more from poststructuralist theory, which is very different than Frankfurt School Marxism.
Well do you mean critical theory or a specific school of it? Because you said that critical theory is not a part of mainstream politics, that's a very broad statement don't you think?

Edit: my bad, you cleanly stated Frankfurt School Marxism just now.
Well that's not proof that critical theory isn't mainstream which you earlier implied.
The thing is, "critical theories", or any sort of academic level of thought in a given subject does to some degree filter down to the masses as it were. The problem is, by the time it does it is generally so filtered, bastardized, conglomerated, etc., that it becomes practically unrecognizable.

Tutoring Ethics as I did this became so plain. People are familiar with the concepts of consequentialism/utilitarianism/kantian deontology without being aware of the sources, but they mix and match and flip back and forth between them depending on the situation or even based on how things are presented, and it's all pretty much just gut level, not systematic in any sense.
Well do you mean critical theory or a specific school of it? Because you said that critical theory is not a part of mainstream politics, that's a very broad statement don't you think?

Edit: my bad, you cleanly stated Frankfurt School Marxism just now.
Well that's not proof that critical theory isn't mainstream which you earlier implied.

Proving a negative is almost impossible in this case. All I can say is that if you actually read the books by Adorno, Horkheimer, Lukacs, etc. you'll see very quickly that modern liberals/progressives aren't radical in the sense that the Frankfurt School was.

Think about how infused into popular culture liberal politics (and conservative politics) are - how ubiquitous they are, how they become infused into even twitter feeds, YouTube videos, or Facebook posts. The left and right rely on these venues, and yet Adorno would have decried this as the subsumption of political action to entertainment and material production. Modern politics realizes its influence through popular entertainment and media. This is exactly what Adorno and Horkheimer lamented in Dialectic of Enlightenment!

The whole world is passed through the filter of the culture industry. The familiar experience of the moviegoer, who perceives the street outside as a continuation of the film he has just left, because the film seeks strictly to reproduce the world of everyday perception, has become the guideline of production.

There is absolutely an elitism to this kind of thinking, that I won't deny; but it is an elitism that derides the machinations of American politics in general. It is a critical analysis of the ways in which modern politics - left and right - operate in Western society today. This, to me, is evidence that politicians have absolutely not absorbed/internalized the content of a text like Dialectic of Enlightenment.

The thing is, "critical theories", or any sort of academic level of thought in a given subject does to some degree filter down to the masses as it were. The problem is, by the time it does it is generally so filtered, bastardized, conglomerated, etc., that it becomes practically unrecognizable.

Tutoring Ethics as I did this became so plain. People are familiar with the concepts of consequentialism/utilitarianism/kantian deontology without being aware of the sources, but they mix and match and flip back and forth between them depending on the situation or even based on how things are presented, and it's all pretty much just gut level, not systematic in any sense.

This is of course true too, and I won't deny that strands of radical leftist philosophy creep into everyday politics - but so equally do strands of every other kind of political thought! You cannot unequivocally claim that modern liberal politics is dominated by Adornian critique; this just doesn't make sense when you know what Adorno wrote about.

The world that the Mort's created:

We have raised a generation of young people who have not been given the opportunity to learn how to solve their own problems. They have not been given the opportunity to get into trouble and find their own way out, to experience failure and realize they can survive it, to be called bad names by others and learn how to respond without adult intervention.



This current potential transition from a culture of dignity to one celebrating victimhood is occurring during a time period of potentially slowing long run economic growth. Again, cause and effect are messy but there are obvious ways that a more enshrined culture of victimhood could retard economic growth. To take one example, the process of documenting and aggregating small offenses to punish people will eventually incentivize people to interact with out-group strangers to a far smaller degree than they have in the past. The act of sending a stranger a message will become a very risky. Transaction costs are increased when every little action is potentially going to be monitored and might lead to severe punishment.
Wow, right on what I just posted:


The suspected gun allegedly wrote, "This is the only time I'll ever be in the news. I'm so insignificant."

Oh wait, that can't be right. Let me double check that:

The suspected gunman allegedly wrote, "This is the only time I'll ever be in the news. I'm so insignificant."

Ah, whew. Almost thought the broken records weren't broken for a second.

Edit: Clearly a hatecrime:
