If Mort Divine ruled the world

That is one insistent lesbian.

Or a very talented flirt catering to piggish men, hoping they find her 'hatred' attractive.

Or she's 14. So shame on you guys.
Like, standing behind her you stick your cock through and then sort of drizzle your cum on her chin? I'm having some difficulty seeing the mechanics of it since the chains of those ear rings are rather short.

EDIT: nvm, I can picture it now if it's kind of on the side of her chin/edge of her lower jaw. I was thinking more on the front.
What I find funny about stuff like that is that - unless it's made by a woman owned company or self made - chances are a man is profiting off the purchase of those.

id put that earring on her butthole then stick my tongue in it. that'll show her
Men use women as useful objects and instruments for penetration, and women are dehumanized by this act!

Intercourse is NEVER sex for women. You are stupid and evil and do not know you are stupid and evil if you think otherwise! Only men experience rape as sexual and define it as such. Sex for men is the unilateral penetration of their penis into a woman (or anything else replacing and symbolizing the female orifice) ESPECIALLY when she thinks she wants it – which is the definition of rape: that he will to do it anyway and that he uses her and treats her as a receptacle, in all circumstances – taught to him that the act is natural. Educated stupid humans have not the rationale to understand 4-corner metamorphosis.

Human metamorphosis has 4-corner lifetime stages known as baby, child, parent, and grandparent. Bible-god equates 1-corner and bare Earth for children, promoting rape to “be fruitful”. 4-corner Truth is ineffable and no self or god can speak Truth. Only baby is born. Adult is not born. Without metamorphosis - no adults.

Intercourse is inherently harmful to women and intentionally so, because it causes pregnancy in women. The purpose of men enforcing intercourse EVEN ONCE onto women is because it’s the surest way to cause pregnancy and force childbearing against our will, and thereby gain control over our reproductive powers. You are so stupid that you do not know that your top bottom, front, back, left and right sides are created at the same Time. Reproductive harms of intercourse range from pregnancy to abortion, having to take invasive, or toxic contraception, giving birth, forced child bearing and rearing and all the complications that go with them which may lead up to severe physical and emotional damage, disability, destitution, illness, or death!
How is this a normal civilized, respectful way to treat anyone?

If we look at the act in more detail, intercourse is a man mounting on a woman to thrust a large member of himself into her most intimate parts, often forcing her to be entirely naked, banging himself against her with the whole weight of his body and hips, shaking her like he would stuff a corpse, then using her insides as a receptacle for his penile dejection. You Word-Murder Your Children! Humans are educated so stupid that they cannot comprehend the fact that the Sun shining upon Earth creates 4 different configurations we know as midnight, sunup, midday and sundown simultaneously.

The term “fuck you” is not an insult for nothing, men know why – it’s the worst thing you can do to a human being, bringing forth Educated Stupidity. It is in itself an extremely physically invasive act, very often painful, generally at the beginning before the pain may be cut off by the genital arousal; causes all sorts of tears, bruises, swelling, discomfort, STDs, vaginal infections, urinary infections, genital warts, HIV and death! Mother & baby are the same age. There is no mother until baby born. The fact intercourse causes so many infections and tears and warts attests to the unnaturalness of intercourse, that it’s not meant to be.

There’s a reason men need to groom us into it, and why this grooming takes so long- because it’s so grossly violating and traumatizing that we would otherwise never submit to intercourse! YOU WERE TAUGHT THAT THE EARTH HAS ONLY ONE EQUATOR AS IF THE EARTH WAS FLAT. YOU WERE TAUGHT IGNORANCE! The only reason we may now not feel raped or have the impression we desired or initiated intercourse, is because men broke down our barriers very skillfully and progressively from birth, breaking down our natural defenses to pain and invasion, our confidence in our own perceptions and sensations of fear and disgust that tell us male sexual invasion is painful, harmful and traumatic.

Through an all-pervasive and powerful male propaganda, they stuff our minds from infancy with the idea that intercourse is normal, desirable and erotic, before we can even conceive of it as something horrifying, and make sure we never see any alternative to their lie – or that if we do, we can no longer take in the information, are punished for thinking and saying otherwise. CREATION HAS TWO SEX POLES & 4 CORNER RACES OF HUMANS! 3 EQUATOR 4 CORNER EARTH TIME ROTATES 96 HOURS AS A SIMULTANEOUS 4 DAY CUBE.
The fact we may not immediately feel raped doesn’t mean it’s not rape!

We are not in any position of freedom to negotiate what men do to us collectively and individually, unless we accept LIFE ENCOMPASSES A 4-16 CUBE PRINCIPLE!

Each created quadrant, quarter or corner rotates to create its own 4-corner square for its Cubic Feminism. When Sun shines upon Earth, the 4-corner Earth Day is created simultaneously, but each corner represents a single corner lifetime stage of human metamorphosis as in baby, child, parent and Grandparent.

Earth has 4 simultaneous Days within only 1 rotation. Losing 3 Days in each Earth rotation has reduced your mentality to stupid and an education of Evil, Misogyny, Racism, Homophobia, and Transobia! You do not have the mind or education to envision Nature’s Harmonic Cubic 4-Day Feminism.

Man is the only evil animal.
Man is the only word animal.
Word equates instituted evil.
Word adultism is anti-child.
A ‘word god'can be erased.
Word brings a Babel curse.
Get ready for armageddon.
Beliefs equate pornography, for they coexist on the web.
There is no damn word god.
Truth is physical, word a lie.
It is what you do, not utter.
Without deed, word starves.
Word god lends not a hand.

Free yourself from rape - learn Cubic Feminism!

That reminds me of Mary Daly's Elemental Feminism.

edit: I almost want to add, "except Daly was a better wordsmith and writer," which she is, but her writing style is wack.