If there are anyone who HAVEN'T downloaded Character yet...

*cleans my lenses and looks closer*

hmmm, interesting..

but i think i'll pass, thanks :p
I haven't download the entire that album. Thanks for tip.
wel I also havent heard it yet
Just know the LOst to Apathy-Ep and since 2 days Through smudged lenses because it was on the samplercd of the german Metalmagazine Legacy
by the way with an DT-Coverstory again and with an very interesting interview
I'll post some news on it later
I'm refusing to download it however I've given LTA a good listen and I've also given TSL a spin as it came free on a Terrorisor CD!

Only one spin though, just for an impression...Can't wait for the album...must not spoil it.
Rofocale said:
I'm refusing to download it however I've given LTA a good listen and I've also given TSL a spin as it came free on a Terrorisor CD!

Only one spin though, just for an impression...Can't wait for the album...must not spoil it.

I also heard the Terrorisor disk, and holy shit. *Boner*.
It's too good. Better than I expected. Im shocked people weren't Going ballistic on this forum over how awesome it sounds. My only beef would be that if this Album is as awesome as I expect after hearing this song, DT wont be able to follow it (at least not with a new sound - They'll have to mimic this one, as IMHO it is the melting pot we've been waiting for).
I think Character is quite boring. I'm disappointed. When i was trying to listen to it i kept forgetting that it was even playing, and when i noticed the music again it still sounded the same as the first song (No, i wasn't listening to the first song on repeat).
idari said:
I think Character is quite boring. I'm disappointed. When i was trying to listen to it i kept forgetting that it was even playing, and when i noticed the music again it still sounded the same as the first song (No, i wasn't listening to the first song on repeat).
Try to listen to it a few times. It was certainly a grower for me, because I thought that it was a lot like Damage Done, but now I've found so much about the album and noticed that it's in fact not all that much like it, even though there are similarities.
You should at least take the time to listen to the album and do nothing else (or as little else as possible) if you have a problem with paying attention to it.
And this isn't the "this is what I think of Character" thread by the way.
I haven't downloaded it, but I did listen to it once at Gaby's. Now I won't be listening to any of it until I buy it, which might not be for a long time the rate things are going...
I also heard the Terrorisor disk, and holy shit. *Boner*.
It's too good. Better than I expected. Im shocked people weren't Going ballistic on this forum over how awesome it sounds. My only beef would be that if this Album is as awesome as I expect after hearing this song, DT wont be able to follow it (at least not with a new sound - They'll have to mimic this one, as IMHO it is the melting pot we've been waiting for).

I dunno I'm sure the band will suprise us...;)
miolo read darktranquillity.com news -> "Last but certainly not least - the song "Through smudged lenses" is now available for download here. For those of you wise enough not to have the abominable Real Player installed on your computer, we can recommend Real alternative."
i kinda had a laugh there :rofl: