if were to organize a festival in NY ...


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
what band would you like to see?

it would have to be someone reasonably well known to sell tickets, but yet small enough to be affordable to be booked for a one off show.

some ideas and reasons why you chose the band you did?

if you are in the US and some RC brothers organized this ... would you come down?
Demonspell said:
Repost from original thread: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=191034

Royal Carnage Festival 2006: I'm going exclusively with bands with strong RC connections/support.

Hammers Of Misfortune
Negura Bunget
Kayo Dot
Reverend Bizarre (gotta have one doom/stoner band)

I wouldn't even go to that festival, and I live here. :tickled:
Reign in Acai said:
Is this purely hypothetical? Or are you actually considering booking a band?

My pick is Agalloch.

at this point in time is just a thought, but things are possible.

and please no 10 bands in a row that induce coma and folded arm wonder.

I personally would like some that can tear some shit up.
MadeInNewJersey said:
I wouldn't even go to that festival, and I live here. :tickled:

yeah, no shit ... most of those bands are ok on record or as a one off show ... but I would never book a snoozefest like that

NB is coming though :loco:
lurch70 said:
it would have to be someone reasonably well known to sell tickets, but yet small enough to be affordable to be booked for a one off show.

This is going to be the near-impossible part.

My votes go to:

Krieg (this way Joe from regimental can help organize & sponsor it, lol)
Hammers of Misfortune (from CA, USA)
Encrimson'd (from MN, USA)
Sin Origin (from OH, USA)

Gotta have some U.S. bands to keep costs down; travel isn't nearly as expensive.
i agree with ENSLAVED, HAMMERS and KRIEG ...

btw, that Heathen show, most bands are from overseas no? so first they fly into NY then drive to wherever this show is? ... the costs must be pretty high.

being in NY would cut costs some. some band members could sleep in our homes ... Varg stays with Gugs :lol:
lurch70 said:
induce coma and folded arm wonder.
holy shit dude, can i steal this for a future band name?

i hate festivals. 3 bands you like playing in a 400,000 seat arena so not only do they sound like shit, but you miss 2 of them anyhow because the bathroom line is 6 hours long and there's not an event schedule in existence, and the 3rd only has a 15 minute set.
lurch70 said:
i agree with ENSLAVED, HAMMERS and KRIEG ...

btw, that Heathen show, most bands are from overseas no? so first they fly into NY then drive to wherever this show is? ... the costs must be pretty high.

being in NY would cut costs some. some band members could sleep in our homes ... Varg stays with Gugs :lol:

lol, sure thing, he gets my couch like the rest of the losers

I don't know how they're doing it with Heathen, lurch. Minneapolis is a major hub airport w/ international flights, but I don't know how many flights from Europe -> Minnesota they're actually are. And of all the bands playing that fest, I believe only Thyrfing (SWE), Moonsorrow (FIN) and Primordial (IRE) are coming from overseas. The other 2 main bands, Novembers Doom & The Chasm, are both from the midwest (Chicago, I think). The smaller opening acts are all local.

It can't be easy to fly a lot of bands in for a festival. Keep in mind the cost of the average hotel room in the NY/NJ area. It's ludicrous.
once I was NAD said:
holy shit dude, can i steal this for a future band name?

i hate festivals. 3 bands you like playing in a 400,000 seat arena so not only do they sound like shit, but you miss 2 of them anyhow because the bathroom line is 6 hours long and there's not an event schedule in existence, and the 3rd only has a 15 minute set.

Or, you know, 8 bands you love playing in a 1,000 SRO club. Same thing, really. :Spin:
The Chasm is actually from NY if my memory serves correctly.

Edit- Chicago :-/

Nadster the heathen fest is nothing like you described.

The Chasm, ND, Thyrfing, Primordial, Todesbonden, Moonsorrow, some other shit I could care less about. All in front of what is expected to be 600 people. Most of which will be die hards flying from other states. Go book a flight ye crazy bastid! ;)
MadeInNewJersey said:
Or, you know, 8 bands you love playing in a 1,000 SRO club. Same thing, really. :Spin:
oh yeah, like you dudes are gonna agree on 8 bands that i love. :loco:

but yeah, that would rule.
hate festivals. 3 bands you like playing in a 400,000 seat arena so not only do they sound like shit, but you miss 2 of them anyhow because the bathroom line is 6 hours long and there's not an event schedule in existence, and the 3rd only has a 15 minute set.

we are not booking Giants Stadium for this gig ... maybe the next one, but not this one :loco:

lol, sure thing, he gets my couch like the rest of the losers

lock your door and kitchen cabinets

Novembers Doom & The Chasm, are both from the midwest (Chicago, I think).

I thought The Chasm are from Mexico ... or are the band members Mexican? :lol: ... so much for proper PR from the label.

NY has a shitload of bands ready to play ... to fly in 3-4 bigger names from Europe would be great.

Like I said before ... I know there are a lot of Romanian rockers in NY ... few ads in the Romanian press here for cheap ... and NB alone can summon 100 people or more easily.

thinking along those lines ...
Hell, there's a few 100 registered UM.com members in NY & NJ alone, not to mention PA & CT, which really aren't far. The biggest benefit to the northeast is that the states are all within like 3-4 hours of NYC at most, so more people would be willing to travel to the show. With Heathen, you pretty much need to fly to Minneapolis.

I don't know where we'd get the local bands to fill out the roster though. There are a ton of underground bands in PA, OH, NY, etc., though.