if were to organize a festival in NY ...

the Warsaw in Greenpoint is a good spot ... know where it is, never been there ...

How big is this place?

Gugs ... there is a club some blocks away from it, called Club Europa ... oh my God ... you never seen so many Euro Blondes in one place since Krakow.
The Warsaw looks to be slightly bigger than the Bowery Ballroom in lower NYC, maybe holds 1,000 max if you include the decent-sized bar/lounge that's adjacent (just a doorway, no door).

Never heard of Club Europa, but I think you & I need to go clubbing :loco:
yeah, this place is amazing ... best to go around 2AM ... just flash your US Citizenship status and they come a flocking :loco:
actually the Polish area and club is a great place for a gig ... all these Eastern Euro kids are big time metalheads ...

you should have seen the turnout at the Decapitated gig few months back (actually you will be able to ... the show was recorded for a DVD that will come with the new CD)
going out for a few drinks tonight ... maybe I'll go to Warsaw bar and ask some questions just for the heck of it.
BLOOD RED THRONE! Any respectable festival has one brutal death band playing, might as well get the best. These guys would fucking SLAY any other pansy crap there.

My other vote would be for Borknagar, who by bringing here would imply that we also get to hear some selections from Vintersorg. Outside of that, Agalloch is mandatory and I'd leave the rest up to you gentlemen. If you could get The Project Hate to play a one-off show, I'd pay for the venture myself, but you guys are too gay for that.:loco:
if you're gonna do this, do it right and get Rob Darken over here to slay us with some Graveland tracks and then we'll have laughing hour while he rants about White Warriors and the Mud People.
now that would be a riot. darken might have visa problems because....well, he's a moron. (but he makes great music).

and i vote for a show with Manegarm. we'll all be banging heads to the maximus decimus meridius until they bust out with Segervisa and then we all drink to eachother because we all rule
lurch70 said:
hahahah ... ok ... now we are talking. bands with less members.

NOLTEM ... first band booked :tickled:

we need some bigger names then that ... we are shooting for the stars here.

yeah, but you'd have to also book Noltem's uh.... "session live members".




I think your best bet would be to find a headliner who lives as close to NY as possible. That way you could minimize travel costs and all the hassles that go with attaining work visas (foreign bands), etc. As for who that headliner might be... depends on what sort of fest this is. Are you gearing it towards the tastes of the folks on the forum?
