hahahaJayKeeley said:Where the white women at?
But seriously, Rob Darken would get his fucking head kicked in in NYC and it would be hilarious. He'd be fighting people off with his plastic sword.
"I'm not who you think I am, I swear! I play bass in Hammerfall" etc etc, grovel grovel.
once I was NAD said:hahaha
OHH!!!! Suffocation + Arghoslent so i could watch both sets, enjoy the piss out of them, and then witness Frank Mullen eat the singer of Arghoslent.
once I was NAD said:when i saw Suffocation and Morbid Angel a few years ago some skinhead asshole was insulting the Suffocation drummer (calling him a my pals i assume) and Frank Mullen almost killed him. it was cool.
MadeInNewJersey said:I think he has the same helmet as me.
MadeInNewJersey said:Ok, here's my revised festival lineup:
Enslaved (headliner)
Amon Amarth (headliner)
Negura Bunget
Rudra or Melechesh
Hammers of Misfortune
Sin Origin
kupshi said:I'd fly in for that
Yeah, like you're going to be sober enough to retain what was said.MadeInNewJersey said:I'll introduce myself at Heathen Crusade, we'd like to pick your brain about what's involved in organizing a festival, and who better to ask than someone who's just done it!
Reign in Acai said:Yes sir.