If you could have two bands reform...

Black Lagoon

Apr 24, 2001
Cornwall, England
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..... for Bloodstock, one being English and one not, who would you go for and why.

For the English band I would love to see Onslaught reform (with Steve Grimmett) so the awesome Welcome to Dying could be played again.

And for the other I would go for my fav band ever, Warrior Soul. After seeing them for the tenth aniversary reformation gig they showed that they still have it and are a relevent today as they were when they started (thats if they ever were, as they were sadly overlooked).

Now that would kick ass. :hotjump:
um... i think Carcass were formed in england :p ?

and At The Gates... possibly motley crue, but no one's sure if they've actually split up or not, they've never announced it,
ermm.. sabbath... duh... so obvious... and non british... probably iced earth, obviously theyre still around but reformed to their best is what i mean... matt barlow era.... nowt finer
for me I'd like to see Crimson Glory reform with Midnight on vocals.

failing that I'd like to see Crimson Glory reform with Wade Black on vocals.

Atronomica has to be one of the most heaviest and underated power metal albums of all time.
Gotta be Mordred for me. These guys never got the recognition they deserved (for those of you that have never heard of them, they were playing a thrash/funk hybrid metal with turntables, but doing it in the late 80's/early 90's!!!!!! In this Life is a masterpiece of an album and well worth tracking down.

As for a British band, I would have to say the Atom Seed. High energy funky metal, this is what the Chilli Peppers should have sounded like and they would be an absolute storm in the Darwin!!!!

So who else remembers these bands???
without a doubt it would be XENTRIX how much do I love them?, also I'd loved to have seen Kai Hanson play with HELLOWEEN.

p.s anyone know where I can get Xentrix albums on cd?, any help would be greatley appreciated thanx