If you could Re-Mix/Re-Master ...


Miles of Machines
Sep 14, 2008
SA Texas, USA
If you could go back in time with our present audio technology and Re-Mix/Re-Master one album or song between 1950-1990 what would it be? Sometimes when I hear older songs, I wonder what they would sound like with today's equipment.

Rush - Hemispheres
I would go back in time and punch lars in teh face and say 'AND JUSTICE FOR AUDIO BITCH! IT NEEDS MOAR BASS.'

to be honest though, there have been some great sounding recordings since the late 60s, though some are lacking in a bit of bass because of the format being vinyl (bass = big deep grooves in the vinyl for the needle to jump out of). If there have been great albums that have suffered sonically, its not because of the technology its was the recording budget.
I would go back in time and punch lars in teh face and say 'AND JUSTICE FOR AUDIO BITCH! IT NEEDS MOAR BASS.'

You could have just left it as, "Go back in time and punch Lars in the face."

I'd say Brutal Truth's "Sounds of the Animal Kingdom." Make it not sound like it was recorded in a basement on a 4 track.
A lot of the mid-80's thrash. Almost all of them sound like a total ass. And Reign In Blood proves it's not because of poor technology back then.

Exactly. I'd love to hear the 80s Testament (especially) and Anthrax records being remixed.

Wouldn't want to touch a early Slayer record, though. They are perfect as they are. I couldn't imagine "Show No Mercy" or "Hell Awaits" with a different production.

And "Reign In Blood" is still one of my favorite productions ever. I can't get over the fact that this was recorded mid-eighties.
I wouldn't mind hearing Killing is My Business...And Business is Good with a bit of a kick in the ass.
"History..." could use some revamping, too. Great album but the guitars sound like a bag of mosquitoes being hit with a baseball bat.

I think thats just the intro to "How have the Mighty Fallen" :p hahaha

you're right but honestly I think it sounds much better than "Mourning" ... can hardly make out what the guitars are doing on that disc
I'm surprised no purist vagina-faces haven't come in to condemn this thread...yet :rolleyes: But I would say Bloodbath - "Resurrection Through Carnage" - I'm not advocating a standard modern metal mix with totally tight guitars and super-sampled drums; all I ask is that it sound something like "Nightmares" or especially "Fathomless," cuz I truly cannot listen to the guitar tone on "Resurrection" :erk:
And to make a pretty polemic statement:

Every record Erik Rutan ever touched shall be remixed by someone who isn't deaf. And while we're at it, add Tägtgren's mixes too.

I'm at least halfway serious about that. ;)
Jesus Christ Superstar. Awesome performances and songs, but the production could stand to be touched up a tad.
I'd remix all Sneaps mixes really badly so we could all feel a little better about ourselves :kickass:

I know it's not in the time frame but
Annihilation of the Wicked

God I love that album but it sounds like ass