If you had amazing powers would you help anyone?


Queen of the Aberrant!
Apr 7, 2006
I was bored the other evening and pondered this while thinking about the new Superman and X-Men movies that are coming out. :loco:

I'll go first............

..........if I felt like it, but I'm not going to go outta my way.
Really I feel if ppl knew someone had some neat powers that they would feel that you are obligated to help them. HA!
id have the power to kill people in their dreams.
I get a really cool cape (Probably black) no mask (It's not my thing!!!)
Then take out a listing in the phonebook and in the newspaper reading...

Man with amazing powers for hire...Must have lots of cash!!

I figure that would land me a sweet paying government job killing towelheads
and that would be fine with me!! I mean hey..I gots to get paid!!
War_Blade said:
i wanna be van halen from dextors lab, so i can shred so fast that lighting comes outta my guitar!!!

I LOVE VAL HALLEN!!! The Mighty Norse God of Rock oh yea!!! :kickass:
I'd help people for sure - but I'd also make sure I looked after myself well and had a mad time.

So for example, I'd take everyone out of a building before I destroyed it for fun!