If you had to choose now, would you be a dwarf or be blind? (late friday thread)


Apr 22, 2008
I might be burned for making this thread, but this question is just ...well, it does make some interesting answers.. :D

And yes, I mean now....from where you are in life now...if you HAD to choose and stay that way for the rest of your life.

This might be a typical friday thread ;)
yeah blindness would be shitty, deaf wouldnt be as bad, yo ucan at least put subtitles on stuff, and the silence might be earie-ly calming
Good to see that people actually try to answer this :D

Just want to point out that dwarfs die earlier, suffer from depression a LOT of the times. (of course, that's no biggie in this forum ;)

Pluss every time someone sees you, they'll be thinking "hey, I can lift that guy easily!" "woah..I thought it was a kid!"
"Where the mall is? Well..blablah" meanwhile thinking: I'm talking to a dwarf...dwarf...dwarf...wow...he's so little...weird..!

Kids who are 10 years are bigger than you and are potential threats...your manhood will suffer greatly if you're not sure enough about yourself..etc...

You can only pray to god some girl out there has a dwarf fetish, like meeting a good girl isn't hard enough being normal.

I would also say dwarf, but the more you read about dwarf growth (not sure what you call it in english to actually find good info about it) Midget seems to be a better word...?

I used to say dwarf..but I'm not THAT sure anymore. Pluss, blindness might be cured some day...dwarf syndrome is a bit further away I fear.

Just to make it a bit harder for those who think it's an easy answer ;)
i don't know if i can take a choice my life is in my eyes( i study photography) but also in my ears ..i cannot leave without music..my life will be empty and comfortless
this thread makes me think about how when i think of being involved in a car accident, suffering severe physical damage such as losing a leg scares me much much more than death.. what do you think?
Being a visual artist I would prefer to be dwarf, but it's tough to choose. I would say none of them :)