If you had to choose now, would you be a dwarf or be blind? (late friday thread)

yeah mee too..i'm proud to be totally sane.
i agree with you Hedon, i was involved in a car accident when i was 13 y.o. and i've got great damages to my backbone first it all i haven't feel my legs i was tottaly mad about it i was afraid to can't walk anymore ..but after i've know that was only for the shock and i will be able to walk again soon. But when i've thought that i was obliged to live my life on a chair, i've thought that was better to be dead, i think you live an half life.
this thread makes me think about how when i think of being involved in a car accident, suffering severe physical damage such as losing a leg scares me much much more than death.. what do you think?

It's scary as hell, no doubt!

Death don't scare me at all or at least very little. Great mental and physical pain over longer periods of time, THAT scares me a lot. Over shorter periods of time too..of course, but not as much. Well, it all depends on the severity of it all and how acute and unprepared I am I guess.

The good thing about death is that, well..you're dead :) Only the ones left behind suffer from it. Well, from my point of view of course.