If you like IE


Best Album of the Year
Dec 13, 2002
Olympia, WA
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Sorry to be a dick and spam the board, but this is a new band with whom i have NO association. They just kick ass. They sound like IE, especially the vocalist. Don't get all pissed because they are "an iced earth rip off"... look at it as making great fucking tunes. anyway, a song is available at their website www.winterfell.org and they are called Winterfell. Support them man, they are going to be huge one day!
Pyrus said:
Highly agreed - solid power metal with actual testicles instead of the pussified Hammerfall stuff that rules today's power scene. Check them out; then e-mail their singer and question his sexuality. ;) (If you post on WOtW, you'll get that).

You can't deny, though, that Hammerfall are well fucking cool! :D
Pyrus said:
Feh. Legacy of Kings is okay, but the rest is Diet Manowar. If I want glorious power metal with balls, I listen to them or Dio. Or hell, Iced Earth.

Diet ManOwaR :cool: that's good, that is! :cool: