If you like In Flames around Clayman/Reroute to Remain...


Mar 20, 2002
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...check out this band: DEADLOCK

To me they sound almost like In Flames around that period mentioned above. Well at least this song anyway:

Wether this is a good thing or not is up to you to decide. All I can say is that I enjoy this song quite a bit.

I have known the band for some time and came across it again the other day because of that thread about female-fronted metal bands.

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Yeah, I had the privilage of supporting them once.

They have very strong roots in the sxe/vegan/hardcore scene (which is both good and bad :D)

Anywho, everyone in the band is really talented (especialy Sabine :D), too bad they don't get the attention they deserve

They have a really intricate vocal setup, with their own processing, IEM, backing harmony playback, cool stuff... vocals sounded really amazing live
They did a cool Running Wild cover of When Time Runs Out on a tribute album on which we had one song as well (ReUnation). Great band!
They have very strong roots in the sxe/vegan/hardcore scene (which is both good and bad :D)
Please explain further, I'd really like to hear your fews on that. Since you brought it up anyway.
Anywho, everyone in the band is really talented (especialy Sabine :D), too bad they don't get the attention they deserve
I'm thinking about going to a festival this summer only because of them. Well this song I posted and because of Sabine actually. :D
Maybe I can get a job there and save ticket money and be closer to the band. :)
They have a really intricate vocal setup, with their own processing, IEM, backing harmony playback, cool stuff... vocals sounded really amazing live
Cool to hear that. Makes it even more interesting for me to go and see them live. The vocals sound really good on this song. Kinda curious if they can hold up to it live. Especially Sabine since the Vocals are quite high and well sung on the record.

Anybody know who recorded/mixed/produced this? Couldn't find any info on that and I don't have the album yet. I'm guessing it might have been someone in Germany but it really sounds very Swedish to me. As I said - This could be by In Flames if you put Anders on top of it.
Not really hearing the In Flamesness, the guitars don't rly do any melodies. That dude is a fucking AWESOME screamer tho.. I alternate between loving and hating the band depending on whether he's singing. If they got rid of the chick I'd love them, she ruins it for me. :/
Please explain further, I'd really like to hear your fews on that. Since you brought it up anyway.

Well, personally I'm all about the music, but some of the pro-life,vegan lyrics tend to stir up some people. Anytime these subjects are beeing touched (this forum included) it's asking for trouble :D
That, and If I recall corectly Joe has a pretty strong opinion about people who drink/smoke/etc which also comes out through the lyrics.
holy fuck i cant listen to this clipping ... is this on the actual master or is this a youtube issue ??
One more thing, If i remember correctly, it was recorded somewhere in germany, but mixed and mastered later by Tue Madsen, so yes, it's loud as fuck :D

*edit: my bad, it was Jacob Hansen, still someone from Denmark though :)
I can't really get what it has from In Flames ? Either the tone or the song don't even gets close to clayman ?

Anyway I dig it, at first I didn't like her vocals but I can definitely say it's not that strange IMO.
Dirty vocals were fucking cool and dug the guitar solo.
But I'm not hearing much In Flames at all here, and well, that chick's vocals were just too much for me.
Well, personally I'm all about the music, but some of the pro-life,vegan lyrics tend to stir up some people. Anytime these subjects are beeing touched (this forum included) it's asking for trouble :D
That, and If I recall corectly Joe has a pretty strong opinion about people who drink/smoke/etc which also comes out through the lyrics.

Urgh, I hate opinionated straight edgers, pisses me off.
I drink and smoke pot, but I don't fucking go around telling people they should do it. It's their fucking decision to use/not use, not mine.
Shit, what do I call myself then, "Bent Edge"?:rolleyes: