If you like In Flames around Clayman/Reroute to Remain...

I just listened the cd on spotify. I liked it a lot. The guitars sound huge and I can say they're one of my favourites to date. Thinks I don't like are the hip-hop moment and her voice. Even if it fits, the growling vocals are just so good that she ruins the thing making the sound much more poppish.

Thanks for sharing
Nope, no more In Flames than any other band out there.

That dude is a fucking AWESOME screamer tho..
/.../ If they got rid of the chick I'd love them, she ruins it for me. :/

Haha, I thought the opposite - didn't like the screamer at all, really digging the clean vocals!
I'm quite sure Jacob Hansen did this, and yeah, is loud and clipping (I own the last 2 CDs and it's super loud and has some clipping bits) as most of JH work nowadays.
I love this band though

as far as I remember the guitarplayer is also the producer/mixer/engineer or something like that

I think Deadlock got some really nice tracks :rock:
"Wolves" is a cool album, the guy has some really unique vibe.
she's good too, but sounds a bit too much like pop sometimes (very straight vocal lines), i'd like some more metal singing...but i fits anyway.

I also dont think that it sounds that much like In Flames...some songs reminds me more of some soilwork.
but I think melodeath hasnt got THAT many different unique stuff going on.
Ah Deadlock. Know them for some time. Our bassplayer loved them. Whenever we were driving in his car and he had Deadlock in the CD player I was always asking "who's that?", "Deadlock", "I really like them. (she starts to sing) WHAT? NO! NOOOO! WHY?"