If you're an American and you want Laiho's new sig model....

you think thats bad, some australian dumbass paid 231 us dollars (305 aus dollars) on cob in melbourne dvd that was on ebay. who the fuck spends 231 dollars on a 90 minute dvd, honestly.
well considering its a custom shop guitar, and that it was imported from japan the price is relativly reasonable, but I wouldnt buy it, I already made all 3 of alexi's guitars as it is!
looks nice, except that retarded apple

as for alexi's sig, nobody is buying it, it seems. they should seriously think of reducing factory price
BloodyScalpel said:
Caparison rocks...
But the floyd rose cavity seems shallow.
And I don't buy guitars without neck pups, period.:Spin:

No, the tremolo cavity is deep, I own an Applehorn as well as 2 Horus model Caparisons and use the tremolo like a madman with no problems.