Ilegal downloading

i highly doubt this will ever happen on a large scale,its a breach of privacy and that tends to stir alot of shit up,also even if it does happen byt then someone will have invented an even better way to dl under the radar,its never gonne stop!
I am of the firm belief - if you download it and like it then go buy it - that's what I try to do. I download a lot and if I do like an album I will go buy it as soon as I can.
What upsets me about this illeagal download crap is that the RIAA( Assholes)
is pissed about everyone getting free music without paying!!!:puke:
How many times has anyone in this forum bought an album or CD numerous times because of faulty products?....... Squeeky tapes or scratched CD's?
Why do they (RIAA) not replace faulty products? Because it does not benefit them to do so!!!:kickass: Then they decide to put out re-mastered products!!!!! Buy again and again!! IS the record industry really hurting? I say BULLSHIT!!!!!! Who is going to re-emberse me for all the faulty tapes and CD's that have been provided to me?.....I'm willing to bet no fucking body!!!!! THe RIAA are a bunch of greedy bastards who cannot see past their on balls in their face!!!!:headbang::kickass:
How many times has anyone in this forum bought an album or CD numerous times because of faulty products?....... Squeeky tapes or scratched CD's?
Why do they (RIAA) not replace faulty products?

I can't remember ever buying a new cd that was defective but I remember buying tapes that were screwed up and had bad sound.

Maybe a few cracked jewel cases.
You know, there is a better way to end illegal music downloading. Lower cd prices.

Everyone says that the demand for cd's and music is low. They point to illegal dowloading and closing record stores as proof.

I went to a local record/cd store recently that was going out of business. They had lowered the prices by more than half and the place was PACKED! Everyone in there had a STACK of cd's in their hands.

This tells me that the demand is still there, but the price is too high. If record companies and stores lowered the price of cd's, more people would be willing to buy them and would at least cut down the amount of illegal downloading.
I am of the firm belief - if you download it and like it then go buy it - that's what I try to do. I download a lot and if I do like an album I will go buy it as soon as I can.

Yeah I'm the same. Also I refuse to d/l any Australian bands music. I guess I just believe in supporting our artists here as much as possible.
Look at the i-pod/ i-tunes stitch up. You can only play i-tunes on an i-pod??????
If I buy a track, I want to be able to play it on multi formats, I payed for it legally don't that give me some kinda rights to how I listen to it???? NO!!! Just cause I don't have an i-pod, I cant put it on my mp3 player. An they wonder why we download illegally, or rip cds to our P.C.s
Thank god for They have just started a new site that works like i-tunes, but is multi format, and its cheaper.

I totally agree with mikeybong. Lower the prices an we might buy more.
I am of the firm belief - if you download it and like it then go buy it - that's what I try to do. I download a lot and if I do like an album I will go buy it as soon as I can.
Exactly, that's what I've always done, I would only download a few tracks just to see if I liked it. If I really liked it, I'd buy the album out of respect and also to get the artwork, to me having a copy of an album isn't complete until I have the whole package. I don't download anymore, but my brother does and he gives me stuff. He just gave me the new Exodus and Five Finger Death Punch, love them both so I'm buying them both next paycheck. Downloading can be good in a way, it has turned me on to many bands that I'm now a fan of. FFDP for example, I never would have gotten into them if I didn't have a copy, now I'm buying their product and will spend my money to go see them if they come around. Another fan made via downloading. I agree though, if CD prices came down I'd buy without pre-hearing first. A band like Exodus though, I was gonna buy it anyway because you know it's gonna be good, but new bands are what downloading has helped me find.
I agree though, if CD prices came down I'd buy without pre-hearing first. A band like Exodus though, I was gonna buy it anyway because you know it's gonna be good, but new bands are what downloading has helped me find.

Yeah, certain bands have a guaranteed sale from me. I'll buy anything by Motorhead, Anthrax, Megadeth, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, AC/DC...but new bands can profit from downloading if the material is strong enough to convince the listener to buy it after hearing it. It's like radio or MTV used to be. You hear something you like, maybe you go out and buy it.
You know, there is a better way to end illegal music downloading. Lower cd prices.

Bingo! I couldn't agree more. I have noticed a slight drop in prices over the past couple of years but it's stll nowhere near low enough. The thing that really pisses me off is that the musicians themselves usually only get a small cut of those insane prices.
A main point that needs to be interjected here is that the RIAA now says that it is illegal for you to copy the music from your newly purchased CD to your computer or other device that you own and have no intention of sharing with others. Oh, and every song that you transfer from that CD to your personal deice will cost you $9250.00.

For those of you who do not have WaPo memberships:

By Marc Fisher
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, December 30, 2007; Page M05

Despite more than 20,000 lawsuits filed against music fans in the years since they started finding free tunes online rather than buying CDs from record companies, the recording industry has utterly failed to halt the decline of the record album or the rise of digital music sharing.

Still, hardly a month goes by without a news release from the industry's lobby, the Recording Industry Association of America, touting a new wave of letters to college students and others demanding a settlement payment and threatening a legal battle.

Now, in an unusual case in which an Arizona recipient of an RIAA letter has fought back in court rather than write a check to avoid hefty legal fees, the industry is taking its argument against music sharing one step further: In legal documents in its federal case against Jeffrey Howell, a Scottsdale, Ariz., man who kept a collection of about 2,000 music recordings on his personal computer, the industry maintains that it is illegal for someone who has legally purchased a CD to transfer that music into his computer.

The industry's lawyer in the case, Ira Schwartz, argues in a brief filed earlier this month that the MP3 files Howell made on his computer from legally bought CDs are "unauthorized copies" of copyrighted recordings.

"I couldn't believe it when I read that," says Ray Beckerman, a New York lawyer who represents six clients who have been sued by the RIAA. "The basic principle in the law is that you have to distribute actual physical copies to be guilty of violating copyright. But recently, the industry has been going around saying that even a personal copy on your computer is a violation."

RIAA's hard-line position seems clear. Its Web site says: "If you make unauthorized copies of copyrighted music recordings, you're stealing. You're breaking the law and you could be held legally liable for thousands of dollars in damages."

They're not kidding. In October, after a trial in Minnesota -- the first time the industry has made its case before a federal jury -- Jammie Thomas was ordered to pay $220,000 to the big record companies. That's $9,250 for each of 24 songs she was accused of sharing online.

Whether customers may copy their CDs onto their computers -- an act at the very heart of the digital revolution -- has a murky legal foundation, the RIAA argues. The industry's own Web site says that making a personal copy of a CD that you bought legitimately may not be a legal right, but it "won't usually raise concerns," as long as you don't give away the music or lend it to anyone.

Of course, that's exactly what millions of people do every day. In a Los Angeles Times poll, 69 percent of teenagers surveyed said they thought it was legal to copy a CD they own and give it to a friend. The RIAA cites a study that found that more than half of current college students download music and movies illegally.

The Howell case was not the first time the industry has argued that making a personal copy from a legally purchased CD is illegal. At the Thomas trial in Minnesota, Sony BMG's chief of litigation, Jennifer Pariser, testified that "when an individual makes a copy of a song for himself, I suppose we can say he stole a song." Copying a song you bought is "a nice way of saying 'steals just one copy,' " she said.

But lawyers for consumers point to a series of court rulings over the last few decades that found no violation of copyright law in the use of VCRs and other devices to time-shift TV programs; that is, to make personal copies for the purpose of making portable a legally obtained recording.

As technologies evolve, old media companies tend not to be the source of the innovation that allows them to survive. Even so, new technologies don't usually kill off old media: That's the good news for the recording industry, as for the TV, movie, newspaper and magazine businesses. But for those old media to survive, they must adapt, finding new business models and new, compelling content to offer.

The RIAA's legal crusade against its customers is a classic example of an old media company clinging to a business model that has collapsed. Four years of a failed strategy has only "created a whole market of people who specifically look to buy independent goods so as not to deal with the big record companies," Beckerman says. "Every problem they're trying to solve is worse now than when they started."

The industry "will continue to bring lawsuits" against those who "ignore years of warnings," RIAA spokesman Jonathan Lamy said in a statement. "It's not our first choice, but it's a necessary part of the equation. There are consequences for breaking the law." And, perhaps, for firing up your computer.


Now, armed with this information, what motivation do you have not to just download your music?

Don't get me wrong, I buy my music, as I only support a few core bands that mean something to me, I'm just saying that in this "damned if you do/damned if you don't" scenario, what message/motivation is the RIAA proposing?
I seem to remember that it you used to be allowed to make 1 copy of your vinyl album for personal use before CD's were invented (yes I am old enough to remember those dark days). It was taken for granted by the music industry that people were making copy's to play in there car or on there Walkman. I'm almost certain that you were legally allowed to do this in the UK, but Id have to check.
Nothing was ever done about this, no law suits were filed nobody was ever arrested for it.
So if that was OK to do back then, why not now. I bought it, so I want to listen to it where and how I want. I'm not gonna go an by the CD then download it from I-tunes and pay the bloodsuckers twice for the same songs.
It was legal in the U.S. too. I used to have STACKS of cassette tapes that I made to listen to in my Walkman.
Look at the i-pod/ i-tunes stitch up. You can only play i-tunes on an i-pod??????
If I buy a track, I want to be able to play it on multi formats, I payed for it legally don't that give me some kinda rights to how I listen to it???? NO!!! Just cause I don't have an i-pod, I cant put it on my mp3 player. An they wonder why we download illegally, or rip cds to our P.C.s
Thank god for They have just started a new site that works like i-tunes, but is multi format, and its cheaper.

umm....iTunes allows you to burn a CD from music you've purchased....burn the CD then convert the tracks to mp3, wma or whatever.
I've gotten 2 faulty CDs over the years. Actually, one of them is a CD my parents purchased. Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Gimme Back My Bullets" (this was before it was remastered), and track 2 "Every Mother's Son" skipped, in no matter what CD player it was played in. There was not a scratch or blemish on the disc. They took it back and the store gave them their money back, only because they didn't have another copy to replace it with.

I bought Corrosion Of Conformity's "Live Volume" years back, and one of the tracks skipped a bunch. I looked on the back of the disc and it had some sort of wierd bubble or bump on the back of it - it was a manufacturing error. The people at the store didn't want to take it back and made a huge deal out of it and treated me like a criminal or something just for wanting to exchange it, even though it was clearly a manufacturing error. They also didn't have another copy of it, but they made me wait 20 minutes while someone looked in the back to make sure they didn't have another one to exchange it. They finally gave me my money back after being sure they didn't have another one. So I went and bought it from another store.