Ilegal downloading

I bought Corrosion Of Conformity's "Live Volume" years back, and one of the tracks skipped a bunch. I looked on the back of the disc and it had some sort of wierd bubble or bump on the back of it - it was a manufacturing error. The people at the store didn't want to take it back and made a huge deal out of it and treated me like a criminal or something just for wanting to exchange it, even though it was clearly a manufacturing error.

This reminds me of buying a DVD at Wal-Mart. I picked up some Stephen King movie, can't remember off the top of my head which one, but I got it home, removed the plastic wrap, and there was no disk inside. NOTHING!

I took it right back and they tried to accuse me of stealing the disk and trying to get the money back. I stood there for almost an hour before I demanded to see the manager. He gave me a new DVD and apologized for the employee.

I still remember that bitch telling me "That never happens." Fuck her...

Oh great, now I'm all pissed off...I'm going to Wal-Mart...
I've gotten 2 faulty CDs over the years. Actually, one of them is a CD my parents purchased. Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Gimme Back My Bullets" (this was before it was remastered), and track 2 "Every Mother's Son" skipped, in no matter what CD player it was played in. There was not a scratch or blemish on the disc. They took it back and the store gave them their money back, only because they didn't have another copy to replace it with.

I bought Corrosion Of Conformity's "Live Volume" years back, and one of the tracks skipped a bunch. I looked on the back of the disc and it had some sort of wierd bubble or bump on the back of it - it was a manufacturing error. The people at the store didn't want to take it back and made a huge deal out of it and treated me like a criminal or something just for wanting to exchange it, even though it was clearly a manufacturing error. They also didn't have another copy of it, but they made me wait 20 minutes while someone looked in the back to make sure they didn't have another one to exchange it. They finally gave me my money back after being sure they didn't have another one. So I went and bought it from another store.

wow if you think that is strange i bought a tape (i cannot remember the name of the band) on one paticular song it started to skip..:hypno:
explain that one for me:goggly:

I thought it might have been the song but it wasn't..reason i knew that because my buddy recognized the song..dammit i cannot remember the name of the band.......................
Oh great, now I'm all pissed off...I'm going to Wal-Mart...

Give 'em hell.

When CD's first came out in my area I bought Back In Black, Ram It Down and Among The Living....I had also plunked down $350 on a Sony Discman (now they're what? 20 bucks?)....I paused the Priest CD to answer the door and didn't get back to it for about an hour....All of a sudden the song I was on kept skipping and I know it had worked fine earlier....It turns out that the laser eye had burned a hole into the recording medium in the middle of the disc....Maybe they should have used those lasers for Reagan's Star Wars program :P
RIAA are dooshbags. They want to make money, not get music out there to the public.

Be nice to people in retail. The customer is always right, but also a jerk face!