19 was possibly the best year of my life.
Things I did when I was 19
-Went to a strip club for the first time
-Got dumped, had it a long time coming, FREEEEEDOM
-Was single for the first time in college and had a fuckload of fun
-Social life exploded on accounta being single and meeting more people/going out more (you know you're doing it wrong if your relationship slows your social life)
-Got addicted to the gym and got buff (too bad this was a temporary phase)
-Dyed my hair a new color and felt like a new man
-Got really tight with my old friends
-Went to a buttload of metal gigs
-Had a great time at school, enjoyed my classes very much - also declared my major
-Went abroad for the first time on a trip to the UK with my mom, got me hooked on traveling
-Seduced a ginger (this was not a proud moment, no offense gingers)
-Went to Scotland later that year to visit a friend who was studying abroad there - great time!
-Had my first cougar experience, mwahaha
-Met my current boyfriend
-Stopped smoking cloves/kreteks