I'm actually looking for your HONEST opinions with this one.

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
As you people could probably tell, I'm not exactly happy with my current situation in life. I'm single, work at Wal-Mart, can't go to school because I'm stupid and poor, out of shape, impatient with myself, etc.... Well. I had this idea before, but I just thought of it again... Anyway, I'm thinking about getting into one of the Armed Forces. The training would put my body through hell and get me in shape, it will teach me discipline, it will give me goals to reach and motivation to get there, and it will actually make me do something worthwhile.

So, I was just wondering what you people thought about the idea. If you have any family members in any kind of AMERICAN service, what are some stories you hear, how well off are they, etc?
Join the Marines, they set it up to where you never do anything without asking first, so you have plenty of direction.
I almost joined the Navy in 2003 and to be perfectly honest, I regret not going in. I got as far as MEPS and was about to sign my life away when my girlfriend at the time talked me out of it. Though, I recently have thought about it but at the same time, I'm already in my second year of college so I feel I'm on the right path.

There are a few people in my classes that went into the military strictly for the G.I. Bill. Quite honestly Will, you have a choice between two paths. The first path is to join the military, probably not get the MOS you'd hope for and also would probably get stuck in the Middle East. I have a friend who joined the Corps last summer for the same reason you're contemplating it and quite honestly, he regrets it. I also have a friend who has been through three tours in Iraq and he has said that it isn't too bad, if you don't mind 120+ degree weather and 50 thousand pounds of body armor.

In my honest opinion, I think you should look into some schools and get some funding. Though, it may be more tough for you because you're under 24 but talk to an advisor. Check with the school's financial aid office about the different grants you can get and even look into Stafford loans. A lot of people don't like taking out Stafford loans but honestly, I feel that I can only succeed WITH the loans due to my finances. It's hard to dedicate a massive amount of time to course work while working full-time. As far as being undisciplined, you just have to go out and do it! I just spent $500 bucks on a weight bench because driving to the gym 6 days a week is a pain in the ass. It's easier to be dedicated when you don't have an excuse not to do it.

If you want to talk about it in greater detail you know how to bug me. I'll try my best to point you in the right directions. Based off of my life experiences, I can relate to the shit you're going through right now. Don't be a stranger, Colonel Nigkicker.

Okay but honestly.

It'd be a great decision for ya, Will.
You should think about becoming a medical technician. My stepmom is going to school for this right now. She got a bunch of grants and such and she's 46! She also doesn't have any prior experience in the medical field. Plus, you'll probably end up in class with a bunch of attractive young ladies. They set you up with externships, interviews and they keep your resume updated.
As you people could probably tell, I'm not exactly happy with my current situation in life. I'm single, work at Wal-Mart, can't go to school because I'm stupid and poor, out of shape, impatient with myself, etc.... Well. I had this idea before, but I just thought of it again... Anyway, I'm thinking about getting into one of the Armed Forces. The training would put my body through hell and get me in shape, it will teach me discipline, it will give me goals to reach and motivation to get there, and it will actually make me do something worthwhile.

So, I was just wondering what you people thought about the idea. If you have any family members in any kind of AMERICAN service, what are some stories you hear, how well off are they, etc?

I was going to suggest that the other day, since you didn't make a list like we talked.

NAVY dude!
...if you can meet the points, Air Force. Where only the officers get close to the fighting. :p

You'll get way more out of it than staying at home collecting autographs! x10
As you people could probably tell, I'm not exactly happy with my current situation in life. I'm single, work at Wal-Mart, can't go to school because I'm stupid and poor, out of shape, impatient with myself, etc.... Well. I had this idea before, but I just thought of it again... Anyway, I'm thinking about getting into one of the Armed Forces. The training would put my body through hell and get me in shape, it will teach me discipline, it will give me goals to reach and motivation to get there, and it will actually make me do something worthwhile.

So, I was just wondering what you people thought about the idea. If you have any family members in any kind of AMERICAN service, what are some stories you hear, how well off are they, etc?
Dude, a lot of poor people in tough situations get exploited by the armed forces. Try for the reserves if anything but that will only net you a little bit of money, you need to sign your life away at least 10 years anyways, to make the real money. That being said, I don't believe any of the bullshit you said. You might be poor, but you're not that stupid that you couldn't get into a school with some loans. Here in Canada they loan you the money you need for school, plus if you're poor they give you grants depending on what you're taking and what school you go to. My advice to you is just to go to a college and speak with a counsellor if you're serious. As far as you being single, joining the army isn't going to do fuck all for that, nor is it your only avenue to get into shape. You seem to have a lot of problems dude that you need to resolve in order to move forward in life, my advice would be not to join because I think it will fuck you up more.

Think about it, and maybe even consider moving to Canada... I mean we have a lot of good government programs that help people like you and me and everyone here who are in shit situations.
I was going to suggest that the other day, since you didn't make a list like we talked.

NAVY dude!
...if you can meet the points, Air Force. Where only the officers get close to the fighting. :p

You'll get way more out of it than staying at home collecting autographs! x10

yeah... I'm just so frustrated with everything, I stopped wanting the "normal" thing. What kind of name for myself could I possibly make? in the military, i can at least go "i went through training, i got shipped out, i survived, i'm in shape, and I got to experience things that most of the country couldn't."
Dude, a lot of poor people in tough situations get exploited by the armed forces. Try for the reserves if anything but that will only net you a little bit of money, you need to sign your life away at least 10 years anyways, to make the real money. That being said, I don't believe any of the bullshit you said. You might be poor, but you're not that stupid that you couldn't get into a school with some loans. Here in Canada they loan you the money you need for school, plus if you're poor they give you grants depending on what you're taking and what school you go to. My advice to you is just to go to a college and speak with a counsellor if you're serious. As far as you being single, joining the army isn't going to do fuck all for that, nor is it your only avenue to get into shape. You seem to have a lot of problems dude that you need to resolve in order to move forward in life, my advice would be not to join because I think it will fuck you up more.

Think about it, and maybe even consider moving to Canada... I mean we have a lot of good government programs that help people like you and me and everyone here who are in shit situations.

I'm not too stupid to get into a school. I just can't do book learning. I get sidetracked and shit. I went through a semester as soon as I got out of high school, and I got low c's... in 2 EASY classes.
I'm not too stupid to get into a school. I just can't do book learning. I get sidetracked and shit. I went through a semester as soon as I got out of high school, and I got low c's... in 2 EASY classes.

Your mind and reality is what you make it, if you think negatively and say you can't do sometihng then you have failed before yo have started. Sounds like fruity gay shit but believe me man, it's true. If you honestly have trouble with the academic aspects of school, there are other options. You can work in the trades (hands on stuff such as a plumber, electrician, etc) those types of jobs pay good money in fact, especially now the demand for skilled tradesman is going waaaaaay up now that the old people are all retiring. You're not hopeless unless you make yourself that way, you may not have that many options open to you but do your best to make sometihng out of yourself based on what you have. Like I said, try to arrange a meeting with a counselor at a local college to try and figure something out. An apprenticeship might be something good for you.

Joining the military could also benefit you though, but from the little bit I know about you I think added pressure might cause more damage than harm. Only you can make the decision ultimately.
I'm not trying to talk you out of it, I'm merely telling you there ARE alternatives. Unfortunately some people don't see them and even though they're not 100% sure they want to join, they do it for the money so they can go to school or save up for a home, etc... You know whether or not it's going to be something you could really do. But please acknowledge the fact you're single and out of shape will not be instantly fixed by joining the military. You can get in shape on your own by doing push ups, crunches and 30-60 mins of jogging or bicycling (any cardio really) a day.
Well, you can't really join, finish training then leave if you don't like it, if you join the reserves then it's a different story. I think, well here anyways, they give you 5000 dollars, then after you finish the 2 weeks of training you have to go once a month to the base for a year or two and you make another 3,000. So it's like 8,000 total. Not something to build a future on but it's some kind of economic relief as well as give you that sense of accomplishment. I was going to join in 2004 but when I applied in mid-April the program was full and the cocksucker on the phone tried to convince me to sign up for 10 years instead, I was stuck for 30 mins talking to this tool.