I'm Baaaaaaaaack!

it's cool you are back....you give good replies whenever i post threads...
welcome back..man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you at least have to admit that it could seem fishy to someone else.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though since i'm not here often.

Why would you care one way or the other anyway? I don't understand why anyone would question my motives in saying goodbye to certain people. I guess it's hard for some people to just believe anything anyone says. I think it says more about those who accuse me of craving attention than it does about me. But, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.:Smug:
Why would you care one way or the other anyway? I don't understand why anyone would question my motives in saying goodbye to certain people. I guess it's hard for some people to just believe anything anyone says. I think it says more about those who accuse me of craving attention than it does about me. But, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.:Smug:
i honestly don't care but it's not as if the effort and time i used to post two lines would ever hinder finding a cure for cancer someday. I'm not exactly going out of my way to post since i'm reading the threads anyway.
i honestly don't care but it's not as if the effort and time i used to post two lines would ever hinder finding a cure for cancer someday. I'm not exactly going out of my way to post since i'm reading the threads anyway.

I think you're missing my point, a couple of you have accused me of posting the other thread as a way of drawing attention to myself, when in reality, it was posted as a way of saying goodbye. During the life of the thread, I was talked out of leaving by several good people who didn't want me to leave. I really don't see how it is so hard to believe that I actually intended to leave and not just looking for attention. I'm not a 4 year old kid who threatened to run away from home, I'm a 35 year old man who has other responsibilities than sitting on a computer all day. just because I've found time to do this, doesn't mean I didn't originally plan not to.
I hope you get it now, because I'm tired of explaining myself to people who don't care about me anyway.