Uncle Junior I'm sorry....

i still think you're a dick
even more so than before now that ive realised who you are

warning, big pictures:



POST THAT SHIT WHERE YOU SAID YOU HATED DOGS....I mean DOGS!!!! you soft wimpy shit.

and how you hate metal!!!! this is ultimate metal!!!
i am one of the few guys on this forum that doesnt seem to take delight in talking about fecal matter. :shruggy:
just noticed you edited your posts to slag off my dislike of dogs
its a phobia that started when i got chased by an alsation when i was like 4 man, and it's damn near all gone. just the occaisional REALLY nasty dog shits me up a little bit.
i would chillax with rufus, don't take that shit out of context.
and yes, this is ultimate metal, but even more so, it's the fucking sneap forum. i come here for the production shit and a community with plenty of people i get along with really well. the fact that metal is the main thing that gets discussed is of no real importance either way to me.

any more bullshit arguments to throw my way?
It's all good dude i seems to be the biggest thing dudes talk about when there in bands together it is quite strange but whatever

lol yeah don´t know why, and it´s specially fun if you´re in a band with girls too, I´ve been in a few, they all go like "ewww you´re sickkk"

Funny thing bout it, it then turned out half those girls I was with are now lesbians, and of the dudes is now gay

the only straight ones left are my girlfriend and me lol
lol yeah don´t know why, and it´s specially fun if you´re in a band with girls too, I´ve been in a few, they all go like "ewww you´re sickkk"

Funny thing bout it, it then turned out half those girls I was with are now lesbians, and of the dudes is now gay

the only straight ones left are my girlfriend and me lol

hahahaha damn thats some funny ass shit right there.