this shit is turning into HCAF
My ass is pretty bad, I shit like three times a day
now THAT'S badass alrite!
That came out very Dodo/Erkan-ish
hey man as long as it isnt lava to where it burns your ass or sand like to rip apart your ass you good to go.
It's all good dude i seems to be the biggest thing dudes talk about when there in bands together it is quite strange but whatever
lol yeah don´t know why, and it´s specially fun if you´re in a band with girls too, I´ve been in a few, they all go like "ewww you´re sickkk"
Funny thing bout it, it then turned out half those girls I was with are now lesbians, and of the dudes is now gay
the only straight ones left are my girlfriend and me lol
I feel like im watching a soap opera