Bloodbath covers

So after practicing some growls, with numerous bands (In Flames, Bloodbath, Cannibal Corpse, Edge Of Sanity), when I speak normally my voice has gone really raspy? and croaky lol, im guessing I did something wrong :S?
@Nehebkau: yeah, if you turn sore and raspy you don't quite have the technique down.

@delta: i'm prolly gonna redo most of my buried by the dead cover today.. any requests on what I should do with pitches etc? :p
@delta: i'm prolly gonna redo most of my buried by the dead cover today.. any requests on what I should do with pitches etc? :p

Heh I don't really have requests honestly, and it seems odd to answer that. I'm hardly in the position to do such things... haha. I think your growls sounded good in their overall style (It's not bloodbath but fuck that comparison... Who is trying to be another vocalist?? People have their own style). Only thing I had to say is that you do need to work on your high pitch stuff. It sounded kind of weak. In my experiences higher vocals require me to push on the frequencies a lot harder but I usually use a similar technique to my growling to get there. I just push it really high until it distorts and shape it from there... I never literally "scream" my lung outs out. To me that's not a technique and it's more damaging
Well I realized when I heard it myself that they sounded weird on that one. I'm thinking I'll just do it low vocals all through.
Usually I can shriek a lot better. Check out "Cleansed From Defiance" on if you have the time, that's got some examples of how my shrieking voice usually sounds. And yeah, ignore the ultra untight guitars on it :)
Haha. No paradoxile no... You got the wrong idea. Tumn was calling ME "Papa Roach" because of a weird joke he has going about my previous display pic. He wasn't refering to your vocal method. Although that too is fucked.

Spit and Mucous are NOT how to accomplish a growl at all. If you want to play a 30 minute or hour set (or beyond) you can't rely on spit and mucous. Although the mucous effect (vibration) is essentially the effect you are looking for, you need to learn how to do it from your regular voice/throat/gut...

yes i undertand...but if can growl with cd's for 3 hours straight without effort or damage to my voice(after proper warmup off course)...I must be on the right path...whenever my throat gets dry i just drink some water or eat a little chocolate to increase spit and it carries me through another 30-40 minutes...mikael smokes to get his growls where they are...Mark Jansen(epica) uses chocolate milk too boost his growls.
I'd love to learn how to growl/sing from my gut
yes i undertand...but if can growl with cd's for 3 hours straight without effort or damage to my voice(after proper warmup off course)...I must be on the right path...whenever my throat gets dry i just drink some water or eat a little chocolate to increase spit and it carries me through another 30-40 minutes...mikael smokes to get his growls where they are...Mark Jansen(epica) uses chocolate milk too boost his growls.
I'd love to learn how to growl/sing from my gut
What exactly does chocolate milk do o_O
Chocolate milk, basically anything has some sugar in it, will get you more and more mucous.

Well, To be honest I got nothing from the "How To Properly Growl" thread but I must admit that in 3 months period I gained some serious improvement on my growls by just imitating/singing through song. I have never been able to growl with the help of my mucous, cause it makes my throat hurt in some short time (maybe I just don't know the right technique). All I need to know is how to go lower and lower, practicing helps but I need to speed up the process. :)
Chocolate milk, basically anything has some sugar in it, will get you more and more mucous.

Well, To be honest I got nothing from the "How To Properly Growl" thread but I must admit that in 3 months period I gained some serious improvement on my growls by just imitating/singing through song. I have never been able to growl with the help of my mucous, cause it makes my throat hurt in some short time (maybe I just don't know the right technique). All I need to know is how to go lower and lower, practicing helps but I need to speed up the process. :)

You're doing everything right. The whole imitate-to-find-your-style technique is perfect because it teaches you to be versatile and to improve yourself. It just goes to show that, again, anyone can growl by just practicing.
It's easy to get on that topic. heh. Especially sinve Bloodbath is known for it's growlers many people are going to come here looking for answers.