i'm excited, i'd like to share something


Jul 6, 2003
Murdock, NE
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i hate to make another off-topic thread about a different artist...but i'm so excited, i feel like i have to share.

some of you may have already heard about steve reich...minimalist...i have always heard great things about him...so i opened an early christmas present. well, thats not why i opened it. i opened it because we were opening early christmas presents...but the reason i got the present, is because i asked for it.

anyway...wow!!!! it is instantly one of my favorites...its one of those albums that feels so refreshing that it brightens my outlook on life right now.

the album is "you are - varations" in case any one wants to check it out.
oh man, we had to check out some of this guys stuff in music lit class last semester. Definitely some wierd stuff. I think the songs we heard were "Trains" or something like that and i think "Pulse in C". Very strange. That's kool that you like it though. Definitely not my cup of tea.
Reich is very good. I'm a huge fan of minimalist and ambient music, and Riech is generally considered one of the best for that kind of thing. If you like this, you may want to check out Philip Glass as well, though you've undoubtably heard some of his music before somewhere.
I heard this awesome philip glass/apex twin song called heros it was soo cool.