I'm EXCITED! Just made a HUGE Katatonia order...

people.......if you wait it will come....to ebay.....expensive yes.....easy to find hard to find stuff...yes...nearly 100% of my collection came from ebay.....money?....who gives a fuck......collecting Katatonia stuff at any cost?....give a fuck.....all you have to do is wait till the time is right.......which right now ebay is rediculously expensive for katatonia stuff......take it from the collector........if you wait long enough what you want will be there..and likely to be reasonably priced too...
See I have a problem where I try to collect everything from a lot of bands. I need to start focusing on only a few. I really don't care how much I have to spend to get something, as long as it means a lot to me. Katatonia items are at a high right now so I can wait to get the more rarer stuff as I know I will get it sometime.