I'm on my way 100%~~~


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Mar 29, 2003
OK this post may sound a bit strange but I am so excited I have to vent!!!!!! After getting sick last year and not being able to make PP4 at the last minute things are looking up!!! I made a vow that PP5 would happen no matter what. So after surgery in June when all my arrangements had been made I was dealt a blow. The doctor tells me that during surgery they had to insert a gas bubble for some reason (eye surgery). He proceeds to tell me that I won't be able to fly in September! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! This would be the second time I woukl not only miss PP but miss out being a sponsor and reap its priveleges!!! So to add more salt to the ever swelling wound. I'm recovering from this and they find I'm going into kidney failure. JESUS CHRIST! So now I have to have surgery to have a dialysis shunt put in my arm and face having to do dialysis in Atlanta. So the phone calls start and trying to secure a facility in Atlanta with no luck!!! So yesterday I find out that the gas bubble is GONE and its safe to fly!!! AND my arm WILL NOT HEAL UNTIL AFTER PP!!! Therefore dialysis doesn't start until after I get home. So I know this may mean nothing to most of you but it really shows that through shit you can climb out. When you guys think about your problems getting a room or something, just think, there can be worse things and I am a testament to the fact that you can overcome the impossible!! PP here I come!!
Thanks for all the kind words!!! I hope I didn't go overboard in describing my condition. I'm usually not one to let others know what I'm going through. But the last couple of weeks have been so AWESOME I had to share. I can't wait to meet all of you!
Good to hear things are looking up for you, Sean, and that you'll be at PP for sure. Also, good luck on everything else on the health front my friend. The meet up that you've put together is much appreciated. Looking forward to meeting you and everyone else that will be at the pre-party meet up.
The_Q said:
OK this post may sound a bit strange but I am so excited I have to vent!!!!!! After getting sick last year and not being able to make PP4 at the last minute things are looking up!!! I made a vow that PP5 would happen no matter what. So after surgery in June when all my arrangements had been made I was dealt a blow. The doctor tells me that during surgery they had to insert a gas bubble for some reason (eye surgery). He proceeds to tell me that I won't be able to fly in September! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! This would be the second time I woukl not only miss PP but miss out being a sponsor and reap its priveleges!!! So to add more salt to the ever swelling wound. I'm recovering from this and they find I'm going into kidney failure. JESUS CHRIST! So now I have to have surgery to have a dialysis shunt put in my arm and face having to do dialysis in Atlanta. So the phone calls start and trying to secure a facility in Atlanta with no luck!!! So yesterday I find out that the gas bubble is GONE and its safe to fly!!! AND my arm WILL NOT HEAL UNTIL AFTER PP!!! Therefore dialysis doesn't start until after I get home. So I know this may mean nothing to most of you but it really shows that through shit you can climb out. When you guys think about your problems getting a room or something, just think, there can be worse things and I am a testament to the fact that you can overcome the impossible!! PP here I come!!

Woo-hoo !!! It will be great to meet you this time around !!! Man dialysis sucks !! Thank God I've never had to go through it, but a good part of my family are in the medical business and I am familiar with the procedure. Of course the alternative to dialysis (death) sucks even worse so you gotta do what you gotta do. My father-in-law also had renal failure and is a dialysis patient. If something does come up, and you need to find a clinic, there are some 90 miles from Atlanta in Columbus Ga if Atlanta's clinics aren't up for new patients. Your a real trooper Q !!! Can't wait to see you at PP V.

Echoing those same thoughts, Sean. I remember that you weren't sure you could make it down there. Congrats on being able to go. I look forward to meeting you and all the others at the meet!

4 weeks left !!

What the hell, Q? You ask the doctor to fix you, and instead he fucks you?

(just wanted to use that whole fix/fucks rhyme... slap me later)

Dood... kidney problems suck ass, man. Is this failure a temporary problem? Or will kidney transplant eventually be needed?

And yeah... ProgPower is worth risking your health for!!! :hotjump: :rock: Good to see you'll make it.
Thanks everyone for all the kind words. To answer your questions, my kidney failure is diabetic related so the damage is done. Transplant MAY be in the future but the list is HUGE and there are a lot of factors. I was afraid I would have to have dialysis down in Atlanta and forego some activities. Turns out I will start the day after I come back from PP. I am in great spirits and am not depressed, angry, or sad. I have coped with the situation and 3 1/2 hours 3 days a week are going to be filled with listening to cd's and reading. Theres no reason for me to be angry, you deal with the situation and just keep going.