I'm Transtolerant

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
As much as I want to accept senior citizens getting pumped full of hormones ,and getting their wheaties boxed, I can't help but grimace at the sight laid out before my very eyes. I haven't mentioned this to anyone, for fear of being ostracized in the community, but Cait's struggle and vomit filled journey of bravery has given me the courage to come forth. Folks, I'm a tolerant male trapped inside an intolerant body. I have always been tolerant, but the social constructs laid out before me with my upbringing... Ye know morality, integrity, all the core values of being a man, and acting like such, etc. All of those virtues that were hitched to me like a swarm of gnats to an ebon hue have led me astray. Deep down I want to accept that a man has the right to join the BME social olympics and lop off his bits, to burst out of his velvet cacoon, and embrace his inner sanctum of sensuality. Deep down I long for the tolerance that is encrusted upon my cis male rib cage. I simply do not know how to become this tolerant being which I see from progressives to and fro. I too would like to look upon Caitlyn in the holy light for which she shines. Not as the guiltless murderer who negligently broad sided an unsuspecting motorist on PCH while running away from papsmearing papparazzo documenting a circus side-show. Oh God, why can't I become me? Why can't I become who I truly am? What hormones exist that can suppress this dastardly conservative upbringing? I'm a tranny, for which a wig and dress won't do. Please HELP!
Jerry, with the sad eyes, don't be discouraged. Oh, I realize it's hard to take courage in a world full of people. You can lose sight of it all and the darkness inside you can make you feel so small.

But I see your true colors shining through. I see your true colors, and that's why I love you! So don't be afraid to let them show: your true colors. True colors are beautiful, like a rainbow.
Thank you for the kind words Adrian. During this period of darkness, it's good to know that I have peers to support me. I've been watching Chris Matthews on loop in order to help add a different perspective to my way of thinking, and suppress all logical thought. It's been a rough couple of weeks, the constant headaches, and the emotional instability. I find myself being "triggered" by the most minute, and harmless of comments. But despite all this, I take it as signs that I'm on the right path. Twelve more weeks of electro-lib therapy, and I too should be drooling over aphrodite incarnate herself, Ms. Caitlyn. This jewel is pushing forward society, one dab of caked foundation at a time. I know that I'll see things differently soon, I pray to the transgods above, that my "change" will be an enlightening one.
Rreeeeaalllllly getting sick of this transgender bullshit. I'm one tolerant motherfucker but even I gotta draw the line somewhere.
On a serious tip (yo), I just don't fucking get it. I'm a pretty tolerant asshole because Do What Thou Wilt and Diff'rent Strokes have been ideals I have encouraged for decades. We're all freaks, normalcy is overrated, and what is weird to me might be your daily routine. And that is just great, because I celebrate our differences, no matter house vast they may seem.

But I don't get this one. In fact I don't think I get most of the things Jerry has brought up, limb-lopping, penis-chopping, etc. Maybe I'm an intolerant type trapped inside a pinko commie liberal body, and I need help as well?!?! Please join me on this personal journey that I shall make as public as fucking possible, it's not a cry for attention, it's an honest plea for help (honest)!
Thank goodness I don't watch television.

This. I have no clue what exactly half the references in this thread are to and don't mind at all.

The trick is just to not give a shit. If it has no bearing on me or those close to me than frankly I don't care what the hell you want to do with your life because I just don't have the energy to get worked up over something that, to me, might as well be fiction. Some guy two blocks away from me feeling he needs to dress in pink skirts and define his gender as being cucumber is about as relevant to my life as a window of a mcdonalds getting smashed in Shanghai. I do dislike seeing people get too caught up in the fantasy that any societal/economic problem can be pinned on a single race or practice as that invariably leads to book burnings or other atrocious acts of ignorance while the underlying issues of a problem that is probably all to real go unaddressed. By the same token though I'm not to fond of "news" outlets almost exclusively covering/glorifying topics like transgendered celebrities. If they were doing it in the context of a genuine societal study it would yield fascinating and relevant information but from what I've seen all they ever do is try to either victimize attention seekers or crucify otherwise completely anodyne people who simply have congenital attraction to members of the same sex.
I don't watch TV either, and now sans the Facebutt, am all but oblivious to things pop culture. Truly a glorious era of ignorance! But even this one permeated into my knowledge base. I was foolishly on Boing Boing (which fucking blows compared to 10 years ago) and saw the Vanity Fair magazine cover. So let it be written, so let it be done.

EDIT: Are there more transweirdos in the news besides Mr. Kardashian?! Maybe I shouldn't ask that question. I mean, beyond the insensitive language. I'm a bit crude perhaps. I didn't even know what cisgender was until Jerry taught me. :loco:
By the same token though I'm not to fond of "news" outlets almost exclusively covering/glorifying topics like transgendered celebrities. If they were doing it in the context of a genuine societal study it would yield fascinating and relevant information but from what I've seen all they ever do is try to either victimize attention seekers or crucify otherwise completely anodyne people who simply have congenital attraction to members of the same sex.

I don't believe in congenital same sex attraction. Sorry, but something went awry somewhere along the way where one decided it was absolutely delightful to shove a dong in a hairy sphincter. The majority of the time it's daddy issues. Screw introspection and dealing with shabby childhoods, the best therapy is to suck Anton's dick. I don't buy it.

If faggotry by birth does exist, it's a very small percentage of the overall pack. Same reason why most porn stars spread their legs, daddy issues.

That minute opinion aside, I agree that the media's take is absolutely vomit inducing. I would expect it from lib media outlets, but what get's me heated is that I heard the conservatwits on FOX champion this freak show as beautiful, and supporting her right to mutilation based therapy. Everyone is so fearful towards analyzing the root cause for this person's dysfunction, while blindly being so quick to embrace.

I don't watch TV either, and now sans the Facebutt, am all but oblivious to things pop culture. Truly a glorious era of ignorance!

There's no escape bro. I don't watch standard television outside of the NFL. I do however listen to talk radio, and open up an internet browser on a daily basis. This shit is shove down the populace's throat with such frequency and ferocity that they grow to accept it just in order to rid themselves of it as a hot topic.

I don't throw on KISS FM, yet I've heard Taylor Swift's "Shake it Off" 60 fucking times. There is no escape!
Here's a snippet of an article that delves into the absurdity of it all.

There is a palpable religiosity to the wild hailing of Bruce/Caitlyn as a modern-day saint, a Virgin Mary with testicles. Within four hours, more than a million people were following Bruce/Caitlyn’s new Twitter account, hanging on her words like the expectant horde waiting for Moses at the foot of Mount Sinai. Her every utterance, all banal celeb-speak, was retweeted tens of thousands of times. Celebs and commentators greeted her as a kind of messiah. ‘We’ve been waiting for you with open arms’, said an overexcited editor at Buzzfeed. Across the Twittersphere Caitlyn was worshipped as a ‘goddess’, a ‘goddess in human form’, a ‘goddess made manifest on Earth’. ‘Caitlyn Jenner could fucking stab me right now and leave me for dead and I’d die fucking overjoyed we are not WORTHY OF THIS GODDESS’, said one trans tweeter, and she wasn’t joking.

In the media, the talk is of how Caitlyn and her iconic likeness might give an adrenalin shot to humanity itself. A writer for the Guardian describes Caitlyn as a ‘queen’ and instructs us to ‘bow down, bitches’, telling us her icon on the front of Vanity Fair is ‘life-affirming’. Treating Caitlyn as a kind of Christ figure, only in a push-up bra rather than smock, Ellen DeGeneres says this goddess brings ‘hope for the world’, and we should all try to be ‘as brave as Caitlyn’. Susan Sarandon celebrated Bruce/Caitlyn’s mysterious ‘rebirth’ while Demi Moore thanked him/her for sharing with humanity ‘the gift of your beautiful authentic self’. A writer for the Huff Post says the name Caitlyn means ‘pure’ – ‘what a perfect meaning, right?’ Truly, yes, for St Caitlyn, reborn to educate us all, is most pure.

With its millions of agog followers, its worship of an iconic image, its insistence we all ‘bow down’, the Cult of Caitlyn gives Catholic mariolatry a run for its money in the blind-devotion stakes. And of course, as with all venerated icons, anyone who refuses to recognise the truth of Caitlyn’s Vanity Fair cover has faced mob punishment or finger-wagging corrections of their goddess-defying blasphemy.

So when Drake Bell, a former American child star, tweeted ‘Sorry… still calling you Bruce’, he became the subject of global fury. The Cult of Caitlyn went insane. Even after Bell deleted his blasphemous comment, tweeters mauled him, suggesting he deactivate his Twitter account, or better still, ‘deactivate his life’. Meanwhile, a Twitter robot called @she_not_he has been set up to correct any ‘misgendering’ of Caitlyn. Winning high praise from much of the media, this bot is ‘scrubbing Twitter, looking for anyone who uses the “he” pronoun in conjunction with Caitlyn Jenner’s name’. The bot’s inventor says he is delighted that these misgendering miscreants have been ‘apologetic in their replies to the bot’, and ‘some have even deleted their original tweet’.

In short, they’ve repented. Just as those who denied the divinity of Christ were once expected to recant their heresy, so those who deny the gender of Caitlyn Jenner are hounded by bots into apologising for their moral error. The American gay-rights group GLAAD is scouring the mainstream media for any use of the word ‘he’ in relation to Caitlyn, like a modern incarnation of the Vatican’s Index Librorum Prohibitorum, which monitored the public sphere for any less-than-gushing commentary on God. It has issued speech-policing guidelines for the media. ‘DON’T refer to her by her former name… DO avoid using male pronouns and Caitlyn’s prior name, even when referring to events in her past.’

The worship of Caitlyn, and the hectoring of anyone who refuses to scrape before her icon, has graphically exposed the intolerant edge to trans thinking. The insistence that we not only refer to Bruce/Caitlyn as ‘she’ but also project this backwards – recognising, in the words of the Guardian, that she has ‘always been a woman’ – is borderline Orwellian. It’s a rewriting of history, a memory-holing of old inconvenient facts. Strikingly, the Guardian writer says people like Bruce/Caitlyn have ‘always been women… even when they were “fathering” children’. Notice it’s the ‘fathering’ bit that is in scare quotes, suggesting it wasn’t real, while the description of Bruce as a woman is treated as an incontestable truth. War is peace, freedom is slavery, man is woman.

This trans Orwellianism is increasingly finding expression in the law itself. In Ireland last year, a trans woman won the right to have her sex changed to female on her actual birth certificate. This is alarming. The midwife who said ‘This is a boy’ when this trans woman was born was telling the truth, and that truth was recorded on a public document. No matter — truth and history are putty in the hands of the trans lobby. Just as Big Brother thinks it can force people to accept that 2 + 2 = 5, so trans activists want us to chant: ‘Bruce Jenner is a woman and has always been a woman, even when she was producing sperm, impregnating women, and winning gold medals in men’s sports.’ And the small matter of Bruce’s birth certificate, his proven paternity of children? Forget all that; shove it down the memory hole.

What the Cult of Caitlyn confirms, beyond a doubt, is that there is nothing progressive in trans politics. It is shrill, censorious, unreal, demanding compliance, punishing dissent. Progressives should reject it. Jesus was not the Son of God, Bruce Jenner is not a woman, and, I’m sorry, but 2 + 2 = 4, and it always will.
There's no escape bro.
You can get really, really close without much effort, honest. Life without social media and with Adblock Plus on a computer? Good times researching only metal, fuzz, porn, and Wikipedia whilst dial'd up. Turn off the TV and ditch talk radio. I only listen to CDs and watch the NFL (usually with the volume down and/or pissing during commercials).

Surprised I heard about this one honestly, so was me Ma when I made reference to Mr. Caitlyn tonight since she knows I've made a wee island for myself when it comes to Po(o)p Culture. I used to find it fascinating, but that was a long time ago.

That's what I get for going on Boing Boing in the post-2009 world. My last window of hope to understand the rest of this planet's apex predator! I think after this last momentary lapse of reason, I shall bid even it adieu...

Because really, at the end of the day, it's none of my business what some celebutante does with their wiener. I've probably spent one solid hour thinking about it, which is 59 minutes + 58 seconds too long of wasted brain cell. Gone!
If I ditched talk radio it would isolate me a fair amount. Though I don't know if I want to know a peaceful self. I quite enjoy being angry at times, and mocking the unstable.

Speaking of blabber radio, going to enable my 90 day free trial to SiriusXM this week in order to listen to Stern. :popcorn: