I'm watching Bruno and I don't think I can finish it

Ok. I just asked to be sure they sell feta here...she said yes but she's not sure where. Before you go to all that trouble, the next time I go shopping I'll try and pick up some feta and then let you know.

Don't want you to go to all that trouble for nothing.

As for you, I dunno man. What is something you love that you would pair it with something so completely apart from it that it would be disgusting?
Good point.

But even if the protected ones were made that way I'd still eat 'em. I'd be completely grossed out by the thought of eating cow piss but it would quickly be overcome with every bite of brie.

You know what I don't like that everyone and their mother seems to like, whether they're Italian or not? Porcini mushrooms. Real porcini mushrooms picked and cooked fresh, not the plastic crap they put on bruschette in pubs. For some reason the slimy and dirty taste of them grosses me out. I can eat them in dishes like pasticcio or lasagna but by themselves? Yuck.

Yeah, as I said, it's something to quickly overcome at first bite. ;)

Porcini got me thinking. Googled some pics and found out that they're what we call "Steinpilze", which means "stone mushrooms".

And they're so ordinary shrooms. Yeah, I'm definitely not much of a fan either.
Remember on Castaway where Tom Hanks tried to eat the crab raw, and all that goo from its claw went into his mouth and he barfed it up?

That's what goes through my mind every time I eat porcini mushrooms.
Gross. I'm a very conservative eater anyway. There's a German saying that goes something like: "What the farmer doesn't know, he won't chow!".

That's so me. :lol:
I'm pretty wide open when it comes to food, though. I have a very short list of things that I don't like, ranging from "I don't like it" to "BLECH!". Other than that I eat just about anything except:

Porcini mushrooms
Eggplant (unless we're talking stuffed eggplant)
Pomegranates (sp?)

That's about it...
Ok. I just asked to be sure they sell feta here...she said yes but she's not sure where. Before you go to all that trouble, the next time I go shopping I'll try and pick up some feta and then let you know.

Don't want you to go to all that trouble for nothing.

As for you, I dunno man. What is something you love that you would pair it with something so completely apart from it that it would be disgusting?

Too much thought already. I've lost interest in this idea.
San Daniele is like 15 km from my house. You'll have to come visit sometime and we'll raid all the prosciuttifici.

HELL YEAH!! :kickass:
I really would love to come for a visit, Chris. It's been too long since I've been to Italy :(

Feta on everything.

Hey Jamie, what kind of Feta do u get? This is maybe my biggest issue with
American made cheeses: FETA. They just can't make it like the pros in the Mediterranean area... it's a fact. Best Feta cheeses in the world come from that area, look for the imported ones next time you're grocery shopping Mah :) - you'll notice the difference right away and will never go back to those mild-goo crap they call feta here!

I'm pretty wide open when it comes to food, though. I have a very short list of things that I don't like, ranging from "I don't like it" to "BLECH!". Other than that I eat just about anything except:

Porcini mushrooms
Eggplant (unless we're talking stuffed eggplant)
Pomegranates (sp?)

That's about it...

^ YOU ARE NUTS!! You pretty much named all my favorites and all the items that are always in my shopping cart :lol: (sans liver.. which i love btw, but only eat once a year, at my mom's house)

Chris, did you know that I hated eggplant for about 28 years and only in the past 2 years started liking it? Now I am the eggplant addict: I eat it with everything! lol
HELL YEAH!! :kickass:
I really would love to come for a visit, Chris. It's been too long since I've been to Italy :(

Hey Jamie, what kind of Feta do u get? This is maybe my biggest issue with
American made cheeses: FETA. They just can't make it like the pros in the Mediterranean area... it's a fact. Best Feta cheeses in the world come from that area, look for the imported ones next time you're grocery shopping Mah :) - you'll notice the difference right away and will never go back to those mild-goo crap they call feta here!

^ YOU ARE NUTS!! You pretty much named all my favorites and all the items that are always in my shopping cart :lol: (sans liver.. which i love btw, but only eat once a year, at my mom's house)

Chris, did you know that I hated eggplant for about 28 years and only in the past 2 years started liking it? Now I am the eggplant addict: I eat it with everything! lol

Really? Eggplant is one of those that I'll eat without a problem but I won't go out of my way to eat it. If I can avoid it I will. But I enjoy grilled eggplant. It's definitely one of those foods that I don't necessarily like but I definitely don't hate.

Also I can eat zucchine by itself but it must be served with olive oil and vinegar for me to enjoy it. I'll eat the hell out of them. These foods I enjoy when prepared with something else, but eating them by themselves I prefer not to.
Hey Jamie, what kind of Feta do u get? This is maybe my biggest issue with
American made cheeses: FETA. They just can't make it like the pros in the Mediterranean area... it's a fact. Best Feta cheeses in the world come from that area, look for the imported ones next time you're grocery shopping Mah - you'll notice the difference right away and will never go back to those mild-goo crap they call feta here!
Athenos its called. I dont like the fake feta made by [insert generic cheese brand here].
I'm no chef, but we've plenty decent cuisine here. A lot o' folk just prefer to go for "chipper" (fish'n'chips-based) food because it's cheap, quick and reliable.