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Unrepentant sentient
Jan 26, 2002
Lookout mountain
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Well, as our esteemed moderator hasn't seemed to be around to keep us (read: me) under control over the past few days, I think it's time for...
That's right friends, as a long-standing but not quite stable resident here, I've taken it upon myself to nominate myself as myself...I mean, your new leader. All those in favour, please raise your arm, say aye, speak after the tone, or leave a message with my secretary :D
Thank you all very much for your time and your aid in making this crusty sea-dog rise to power.
Sealed by my hand,
Dark Jester: 'When there's no formal scrutiny, I will plan a mutiny: Vote for me, 2004'
You? A leader? :lol:
Oh very well then *Raises arm and says aye*
(that way it'll be so much easier to overthrow you, steal all the wealth you've gathered and flee abroad ;))
Ok, thats 3 votes for me, and 0 for sanit...I mean...uh...keeping things...umm...stupid.
Keep polling people, remember, a vote for me is a vote for the guy whose name is Dark Jester :D
I vote for you. You're our present leader!

Hail D_J!!!!

Do I get a hott guy as a present for my loyalty?
Mousewings, by selling me your soul in a sticky vote like manner, I guarantee your 'hott metahl d00d with teh long metahl hair' quota will dramatically increase by many many percent!
Yes! Important positions for all! Even if I have to invent them! And even if they're only titles! Everyone who wants a title shall have a title, and everyone who doesn't will get one anyway, because I'm that benevolent a leader! :D
Ahoy, oi matey, Ben meboy!
Aaarrr! Scurvy cowards be keelhauled! So now, avast, me hearties, let’s see what crawled out of the bung hole! :)grin: ) Aye, tis Jester! :-o Aaaaarrr ye want to be a captain eh? Would ye like t'try t’take us many many miles abroad and drink (non-alc) grog huh?! We’ll trust ye on this then (even tho we know the Dr Yekyll in you is a laywer :rolleyes: ) Aye aye, be’th our captain then!, until other/more mutiny do us part(y)!

Now, set a course for the horizon! :D :D
Uber Cardinal Argyle has been sworn in as Uber Cardinal :D We wish you many years of Cardinalness my friend, and we assure you (because I'm in charge, I'm now a third person, much like a King) that your vote has not been wasted :D

Valkyrie: yaaaaaaaaaaaar, shiver me timbers lass, ye shooor know how to get an old sea-dogs crusty heart a-beatin'! Withe cold ocean spray in me beard, and a song of the Jolly Roger on me lips, me n thee shall be finding adventure!
I'll have to rationally consider this for some time... will you restore my internet connection in my apartment if I vote for you? :D

~Kovenant :)p, silly brits, don't you know you'll just become a figurehead?)