Impulse FAQ :)


beat defective
Sep 12, 2008
hey guys, i'm dan. i'm pretty new to this forum. infact, this is my first post. so, i thought i'd do something awesome, and post a (seemingly) much needed FAQ, on impulses! :) yesterday, i'd never even heard the term impulse, and now i'm writing an FAQ. forgive me if i'm a tad incorrect :)
i'll be using the mighty wagner sharp plugin as my pre-amp for today.

first off, what are impulses?
a non in depth explination, is that using impulses lets you simulate cabinets (thats pretty much all you need to know). its actually an emulation of everything past the pre-amp (so, power amp, cab, mic, and i suppose the mic pre-amp). how they are made is of little importance to us. what is important, is how we can use them to get a pretty savage sound straight from DI'ing your guitar (for free!)

you will need:
Wagner Sharp
GuitarHacks Impulses:
SIR Reverb plugin

you will notice all this stuff is free!

There are many other VST pre-amps out there, and of course, you can record a dry signal from your amp/effects processor, etc.. I use cubase 4 studio to do all my work, so things may be a little diffrent if you use another VST host, but its the same principle!

just download all the above files, put vst plugins in your plugins folder, and extract the impulse files to somewhere you can remember :)

Step 1, recording guitar.
there is already a very good guide here for recording your guitar initially. basicly:
plug your guitar straight into a DI box (or an instrument input, if you're soundcard has one)
you don't need to record at the highest settings that your interface supports. recommended is 44.1khz, at 24bit.
keep the guitar from clipping at the moment.
this also sets you up for maybe re-amping your guitars with real amps and cabs at another date!

Step 2, add inserts in the following order:
Noise gate [Optional]
Wagner Sharp
you should have a set up like this (yours may vary depending on which VSTs you have used):

other plugins worth trying:
Tubescreamer's Secret (TSS) in front of the Wagner Sharp (a post has been written on what this does, and a lot more info)
using a diffrent impulse loader. SIR runs with a fixed latency of 8760 samples. cubase can compensate for this latency (i assume other VST hosts can too), however there are others worth trying, like keFIR or boogex. these run with less latency, and probably are probably more stable than SIR.

Step 3, Pick some settings!
ok, so everything is set up as it should.
[Wagner Sharp]
now, it'll sound nasty, but adjust the gain to get what you're after, there is no point in messing with the EQ right now, impulses are going to drasticly alter the sound. the quality knob only affects live quality - in export mode, it is set to maximum (like most other plugins).
do as the instructions say, and pick an impulse file. it doesn't really matter what you choose, as it will list all the impulses in the folder on the right hand panel. remember there are 4 folders though!
now, this is really important, **turn "Dry" signal off!!** (or lower it to taste), your original signal will still come through with no gain reduction otherwise, and the wet signal comes through with -6db gain. at first i was very unimpressed with the sounds from SIR, until i realised that! hahaha.

and that, ladies and gentlemen, is pretty much it! try loads of impulses, settings, EQs after SIR, before wagners, in between the 2! EXPERIMENT! i've only had this set up for a few hours, so i've got loads of stuff to try. over all, i'm pretty impressed with the sound out of these 2 free plugins. so much so, i've stopped using gearbox (guitar amp/cab modler for line6 stuff).

here's a sample of the project i done this on. theres loads of work that needs to be done, i know. i don't think i'll ever be happy with the drum sound (its currently frozen superior 2.0 - only installed it in OS X at the moment..)


Macbook Pro (2.16ghz, 2gb RAM)
Line6 UX8
Cubase Studio 4

Superior 2.0
Wagner Sharp
GuitarHack's impulses <-- not possible without these, don't forget to give thanks where they're due. thanks loads GuitarHack :)

thanks for everyone else's recommendations! are God, Jesus, Allah, and Satan all rolled into one. One correction that hits me right off the bat is that I'd recommend Voxengo Boogex or KeFIR (both free) instead of SIR, because neither of the first two have latency like SIR. Oh, and it's best to stay at 44.1khz sample rate / 24-bit resolution for the DI tracks, 96/32 isn't necessary and can cause complications when bouncing. Otherwise, looks good, and thanks a ton - best first post ever!
Oh yeah, and I don't quite see the point of using a limiter on the individual track; distorted guitars are plenty compressed as it is by their very nature! And I think putting the noise gate at the very end (or between Wagner and the impulse plugin) would work much better. And of course, welcome! :kickass:
Cheers for putting that up.

I would add/amend a few things there including:

-Use Tubescreamer's Secret (TSS) in front of Wagner Sharp.
-Use Wagner Sharp Mk II, not the original
-Use a different impulse loader, like KeFIR or Voxengo Boogex. Boogex is my fave free one at the moment, but contrary to what Metaltastic has said, it has substantial latency on my machine.
-Can the limiter
-Take a few CurveEQ impressions from some of your fave rhythm tones and try to match, because software modeling still sucks
Really? I haven't actually used Boogex, but I figured it was zero-latency since so many people use it; KeFIR is definitely zero-latency at any rate, though I've heard that it doesn't sound as good as Boogex (gonna be trying Boogex shortly). And a HUUUUUUUGGGGGGEEEEEEEE +1 to TSS, that plugin is absolutely incredibly in matching the TubeScreamer FILTERING (NOT BOOSTING ARRRGGHHH KILL KILL KILL) effect.
Link to TSS? Probably not mac but it's got me intrigued.

i went looking for it tonight. not 100% sure it's the one spoken of above, but sounds like it.

nonetheless, an interesting plug. at bottom of page.

btw, just by coincidence - i decided to really put Kefir and Boogex to the test this past week. for me, boogex won hands down. i haven't noticed any serious latency issue on my system (that i'm aware of...).
Yep, that's it Schust, and it is indeed PC only, as are so many of the great free VST's. Also, can someone help my n00b ass use Boogex only for impulses, disabling everything else? I tried it tonight, but had so much noise and was so baffled by all the switches and crap I shut it down and sat in the corner sucking my thumb for awhile.
Great thread! Was just wondering about the whole Impulse thing, and this is a damn good help.

I can't play my 6505+ loud enough to get a good tone here in my apartment, so a quiet way to record will be nice!
Great thread..

can the OP change / add to the first post with the recommendations made above?



nice thread mate!
haha, thought it was needed. i'll add the changes. thanks for your feedback guys!
great post. a recomendation with the gate: put one after the entire chain but sidechain it so it triggers from the dry signal :)
that's how I do it in logic, but then again I record one DI (for reamp-purpose and sidechain) and on from the FX send on my amps.
i find (at least with C4) that when the gate is muting, it mutes the entire channel. may be a feature of VST3 or something, but i assume that also varies from host to host