IN FLAMES Clayman Re-recorded 2020

Have in mind that they could not play live everything that was in the album, so they had to adapt the songs.

As for the wah pedal, it has become a tool for incompetent and lazy solo guitarists who overuse it to hide their mistakes and skip a real effort.

Wait! I see what you meant. Yes, it is also in the dvd dvd version when Anders makes a pathetic attempt to rap that part.

He was trying so hard to become Jonathan Davis that it was pathetic.
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Verses feel totally different as well. Not just because Anders fucks up some of the vocal lines, but because you can't hear the chord progression beneath building up tension.

maybe this is why I noticed how repetitive the song is. I didn’t hear any chord progression at all. Just the same riff over and over.
What would you guys think if this wasn't a re-record, if it was a song coming from ITM? Would you be pissed as right now?
What would you guys think if this wasn't a re-record, if it was a song coming from ITM? Would you be pissed as right now?

If it was done with ITM sound, I would say it's a decent song with a terrible solo.

But the sound is worse, and we do know there is a much better version of this.
Agree, ITM has much better production value. Classic IF lead guitar tone, smooth. Not “hot” like the solos of Siren Charms.

I would have preferred some interesting semi-acoustic remakes or re-imaginations. In the vain of All The Pain.

Imagine if Clayman started off acoustic and built up into the original?

IF used to be pretty loose with medleys and re-arrangements. I would have gone with something like that.

Called the album “Hands of Clay” or something. Inspired by Clayman. Fans like me would love it.

edit: K guys, time to rock ITM again.
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Hearing Clayman in the 'new' style makes me wonder how some of the ITM tracks would have sounded recorded in 2000 with Nordstrom. Some of it would have likely been worse, like Stay With Me or Follow Me, since Anders didn't "sing" at all back then, but I think tracks like Voices, the title track, I Am Above, Burn and Deep Inside would have sounded pretty good. Sadly we will never know.
@eochaid if you want to listen to the new Clayman then I would suggest that remaster rather than the official version. He couldn't fix everything and at times the cymbals are too high in the mix, but he actually managed to bring some of the power back into the song by beefing up the guitars.
Lol that pic.

Nah, I'm not interested on listening to it. Even if it is a remaster of the re recording I still know that there's a worse version there.

That much is true. There is no way for 2020 Anders and Bjorn to improve on something as perfect as Clayman. They aren't capable.
They should improve themselves instead. Bjorn is stuck in the same riffing and boring guitar solos. Anders thinks that singing is using autotune and repeating a singles line one hundred times at the studio until it actually sounds good. Also, lol, I've just read it as a comment in blabbermouth. I was tempeted to answer but decided not to.

Any band that can produce as many records that have an original inspiring quality like In Flames are an asset to a a music industry that becomes ever more mundane and autotuned

Someone should tell him...
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Blabbermouth comments aren't as fun since they made everyone use facebook to comment. The trolls on there used to be hilarious.
Meanwhile I'm using in Flames latest FB post to shit on Howard Benson & the Clayman rerecord/remaster project. It's going well. The terrible production on the rerecording seems to have pissed off a lot of people :D
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I like how people, to defend this whatever first start with "Clayman was my first In Flames..."

So what? That means nothing to the quality of the re recording. Just say that you like everything that they release, be it crap or not. Instead of pretending that just by poinitng how you are a fan of the original version makes your comment more valid.
Hah, yeah, but then there are people like this


Opposite end of the scale nonsense.

I am getting a laugh out of many of the comments though.


"I'm really sorry" :D

That Patrick Herbet comment is a jewel :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Sometimes, someone still makes smart comments on facebook.
It is not related but I couldn't stop laughing after seeing this.
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You still don't get it.

There's nothing to get about it man. The original one is the best version of it and it will be whatever they do. I'm cool with this fact. So if I expect the new version would be better, that's just complete stupidity. They did re-record, it wont be better than original so there's no need to be angry about it. Just listen, if you dont like, you can go with the original. I'm not really sure why you guys are so angry about it. Pretend that it never happened.