In Flames - Come Clarity


bigger my pals
Dec 29, 2005
I just got the new In Flames album, Come Clarity, and overall I'd say its an awesome album, as long as you don't expect the traditional Gothenburg sound. Take it for what it is, and you have an album worth listening to.


1. Take This Life - I don't like the way it starts out, but it gets tons better when you get to the chorus, when it mixes in some screams and melodic vocals. 3/5

2. Leeches - It's a different song, in that you get a mix of the industrial, Fear Factory style and some nice vocals. Pretty decent solo in the middle. 3/5

3. Reflect the Storm - I love the feel at the beginning, but then it gets into a more melancholy mood, and it's only so-so from that point on. 2/5

4. Dead End (ft. Lisa Miskovsky) - I didn't like it until I heard Miskovsky and Friden exchanging vocals, and then I was hooked. Good song. Also, the fact that Lisa Miskovsly is absolutely beautiful helps =). 4/5

5. Scream - Much harder feel, a little simple for my tastes, but the chorus really gets me, and makes the song worth listening to. 3/5

6. Come Clarity - The acoustic/melodic exchange is excellent. All I can say is great song, really. 5/5

7. Vacuum - A good song, but it seemed like a filler because it wasn't offering anything new. 3/5

8. Pacing Death's Trail - A little more like In Flames' older work, and I appreciate that a lot. 4/5

9. Crawling Through Knives - This song is a piece of work. In my opinion, it's the climax of the album. I absolutely love the subtle mixing. 5/5

10. Verus Terminus - I'm happy to know that they can continue to keep my interest after hearing the last song. 4/5

11. Our Infinite Struggle - Perfect tempo, could use some variation vocally, but I like it. 3/5

12. Vanishing Light - Great song to lead into the last track, so it gets a high rating. 4/5

13. Your Bedtime Story Is Scaring Everyone - I can't think of a better song to provide closure to an album like this, especially if you're actually listening before you go to sleep. Just an instrumental medley that contrasts everything else in the album. 5/5

Overall - 48/65
Admittedly, I couldn't wait for the new album, so I had a friend send me it several months before its release. But I'm not one to rip off a band, so I bought it even before its official release date ( - legends). As far as Gothenburg sound goes, this album is far from it. There are some of the melodic aspects but in general this album follows on from STYE quite evidently.

There are 2 tracks on the album which I can hardly bear to listen to: "Scream" and "Come Clarity". But apart from these the album is a solid piece of work which rarely fails to excite the listener. Although obviously the album doesn't touch the likes of Colony and The Jester Race, it is a really good In Flames release nonetheless (better than Reroute). 8.5/10

Highlights: Take This Life, Dead End, Pacing Death's Trail, Crawl Through Knives, Vanishing Light..
Its a good album but does get boring and tedious quickly, crawl through knives and dead end are the best tracks.
Hey, im new... anyway this album and the songs i have heard of it are all really good songs in my opinion, and its a heaps sweet album
Just listened to it for the third time and it is HORRIBLE.
The tone coming from guitars is crunchy and it most places agony to listen to its the same with the Vocals the Lyrics are poor and boring.
And the whole Album sounds like it has been produced underwater
Shocking I was contemplating going down to Sheffield to see them live but Im not even going waste my money.
Please InFlames go back a few years and listen to your old Albums.
Can you see where you went wrong?
This Album is complete SHIT.
I went to the In Flames concert. I must say, they BLEW Trivium, Zao, Devil Driver far away to Mexico! THey fucking ruled!
Highlights: Crawling Through Knives. I pretty much loved all their shit. But here is what I hated: Lisa Miskovsky in Dead end. Awful.
Yes, this is far from the traditional Gotenburg sound, and I can say b/c I am from Gotenburg!
I've had it for a little while now although its nothing compared to their old sound, its far better than the two before it.
I got the album a little before the official release, n it's really good stuff. I just can't understand those people who were waiting for the return to "The Jester Race" Gothenburg sound... They've changed and there hardly is any way back, but that's natural! The album has really surpassed my expectations, because i didn't like "soundtrack..." much and was a bit afraid of hearing worse stuff.

And how do u find Lisa Miskovsky's featuring in Dead End? Female vocals aren't new in MD, i think IF have done the right thing to try it in they album. There even could have been more of it. Where does she sing except IF "Come Clarity"?
I bought this album and The Jester Race simultaneously to get a taste for old and new In Flames. After a while of listening I can say I like both extremes about the same.
I like this album alot, been listening to it a fair bit recently. "Take This Life" just has a darn catchy chorus you can't ignore, a pretty solid album by IF.