Jester Slave
I don't really get it, but it sounds OK.
Not their bestest, but thematically it could fit on Battles.
And a personal struggles song from TFK (without religion) as well.
I don't really get it, but it sounds OK.
Not their bestest, but thematically it could fit on Battles.
And a personal struggles song from TFK (without religion) as well.
There are other things, you know. Like imposter syndrome; one of the songs is about that. Then we have HUF, which he wrote for his son. The End is also another perfect song to be penned by someone in his forties. "Am I where I want to be? Am I truly happy? Is it all I can/want to be amount for?".I dunno man. I mean, there are things to be unhappy and pissed off about. Of course. But at his age it should be more mature subjects, instead he's absolutely fixated on being sad because of relationships. I mean, does his wife beat the shit out of him when he's at home? Is that why he's always touring? I don't get it.
Funnily enough, he actually did write an album with some amazing lyrics about a relationship going bad. It's called Clayman.
I don't think they define themselves as such. They are just Christians who make music, and the theme of religion comes up in some of their songs.Then why do they define themselves as christian rock? That's what I don't get. Its like a band of viking metal talking about a weekend spent with the children.
It's a tie for me between Drained and In My Room. Like Sand is probably the third.I don't know what genre to describe In My Room... But after first listen its my favorite. I like that type of rock, that type of vibe... Bassy and raw. The short riff during the first verse that plays throughout every now and then has a nice groove.
In My Room to me, also contains the most "fitting" energy for it's self. Love the cleans, the chorus hooks really well and I deff connect with it the best. Turn the bass up and its real smooth.
OK then.I don't think they define themselves as such. They are just Christians who make music, and the theme of religion comes up in some of their songs.
For example, while Skillet is really not pushing down anything on your throat, you can't be a band member unless you are Christian. But the frontman has a bunch of tattoos, his wife (guitarist/keyboard player) and the drummer chick all wear some sexy ass make-ups, dye their hair, wear hip female clothing, so I assume as long as you don't bring up religion, you could have a normal discussion with any of them.
The end. Then drained and the chorus from in my room. After listening to the full album through my eyes is not that bad, when compared to the rest of it.So, guys, favorite track so far?
Yes. It has more energy. But when I compare it with albums like the ride majestic I come to understand that it's not the right kind of energy or the energy that I'm expecting to listen at. Battles is a lighthearted piece of music. With not a great effort and or plan behind, like the generic music that we can hear anywhere on the radio.Battles is far ahead of Siren Charms for me, solely because of a sense of more energy content.
Ah, but when you listen to knew opeth the band is still there, though in a different style of music. But the foundations and the composition are there.I cant blame bands like Trivium, Opeth,
Listened through the album couple times now and I'm starting to really dig it. It's pretty much only In My Room and The Truth that is boring as hell. Here Until Forever undoubtedly my favorite track. I love the powerful chorus. It's very similar to Bring Me The Horizon's song ''Drown'', which I find pretty good although I don't listen to the band. Lyric wise I think it fits most the songs. He's done the apocalypse, talk about robots thing with questionable interpretability, his real style has always been the more direct and introvert lyrics. A lot of people relate to ''everyday'' lyrics believe it nor not. It's not just 13 year olds. Older lyrics are definitely more cool and poetic, but newer one's although cheesy for some people, are much more relatable to our own lives. Here Until Forever is written as a tribute for his Son because he asked for it since he wrote Come Clarity for his daughter, I don't know how you can hate on that really, when you understand the symbolism behind it.
And let's be real, the more accessible music are, the easier lyrics often are. Let's just imagine you have battles music with Whoracle's lyrics, it would just sound retarded. It work's cause it's aggressive vocals. If I think about bands like Gojira, Be'Lakor & Sacrilege, their type of metaphoric and more poetic lyrics only works cause of their music style. If you have more shorter songs with simplistic song structures, you can't really fit in those type of lyrics without it sounding bad. If it's very audibly pronounciated clean singing as well, it won't work with those type of lyrics whether you like it or not.
Same way it wouldn't work vice-versa with more accessible lyrics for more intricate and aggressive music. At least that's my opinion.