IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

He is a good vocalist. You don't like his voice? That's ok. But he can sing.

Sure he can sing, but i think it would be better if he sings at another genre, like pop maybe.

I cant believe you and De4Life actually. You bashed IF for choosing to go more poppy sound which is ok but then you like Cyhra and that is basically IF with pop vocals. I like 2 songs from Cyhra; Karma and Letter to Myself. Two of that songs butchered by the pop vocals. Just listen Letter to Myself, awesome guitars but that chorus.. Seriously?? I think i will never understand you guys.
Can you quote me saying I have a problem with IF going in "poppy" direction? If you think that's the problem then it's no surprise that you don't understand. My two most hated IF songs are TCP and Bottled, neither of which are pop music. Have another think about this.
Also if you think Jake is "pop vocals" the you probably don't know much about the genre. Just because he can actually sing doesn't make him a pop music vocalist. It just makes him a good singer.

Honestly, when anybody who praises Anders "singing" tries to bash vocalists like Jake I just laugh. It'd be like somebody who enjoys eating shit making fun of a gourmet meal. I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but it doesn't mean much.
Sure he can sing, but i think it would be better if he sings at another genre, like pop maybe.

I cant believe you and De4Life actually. You bashed IF for choosing to go more poppy sound which is ok but then you like Cyhra and that is basically IF with pop vocals. I like 2 songs from Cyhra; Karma and Letter to Myself. Two of that songs butchered by the pop vocals. Just listen Letter to Myself, awesome guitars but that chorus.. Seriously?? I think i will never understand you guys.
Apart from the quality of the songs and the fact that the singer can sing, I'd prefer an album that was more like the songs that you mentioned.

IF, is not about being melodic, it's about quality, lack of personality and music lazyness. I like soapf and it's a melodic album.

Choruses like that of ltm, I don't think that would be very different with Anders on the vocals, I mean, as an IF song.
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Can't unhear :D

Chicken noises aside, Vanishing Light is one of IF best tracks since Clayman imo.
Bjorn uploaded a photo on instagram driking beer by the pool with the hastag #if2018. I think they 're aiming for a late 2018 release.
Not necessarily. They are definitely writing stuff. But they tagged if2015, if2016 and if2017 as well, it's not specific to albums.
You're right. However, in 2016 they started writing stuff in February and Battles was released in November. This time they started writing in the end of March. If they keep the same timetable, the new album will be released in December 2018 or January next year...or I'm just growing impatient
So, I just saw that the same guy who co-produced Siren Charms (Roberto Laghi) also co-produced Cyhra's Letters to Myself. That was... surprising.

No it's not? Is that supposed to be an insult? He produced SOAPF which is debatably their best production on any album of theirs.
So, the producer of the new album is Mike Plotnikoff. What do you think of him, guys? I think this is a choice similar to Howard Benson (unfortunately ).

Edit:I knew that this guy produced latest Three Days Grace record, but after some research, I found that he co-produced Battles and has worked with Howard Benson many times.
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Looks like we might be getting Battles II. I was a bit worried when I saw they were recording in the States again.
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The recipe is the same with Battles. I see no way for the outcome to be different...
Maybe if Bjorn puts some effort into his songwriting... Nah, just jocking. TheresT no way that's going to happen.
Fortunately I doubt any of us are in a position where we can seriously say that In Flames are our #1 band, or that we're desperate for them to release something. They stopped being this for me after ASOP, although SOAPF was a welcome, albeit brief return to form.

I now watch out for their new albums out of morbid curiosity, and a chance to throw down on here. It's really funny to me that album threads are still going on here - the vast majority of other band forums died a long time ago :D but now I feel a compulsion to keep this forum going even though my interest in the band lies mostly in the 1994-2011 era.
You have that album in a lower esteem than it deserves. It's not a bad album though it has some issues.

First one is that it came just after cc. That was not fair for it still, it has some songs that could've been part of that album.

Then there's the production that does not make good for the songs.

There's also a lack of energy, specially when talking about Anders but also in some parts of the guitar work. This takes us back to cc, an album full of energy and to the production.

Rising the volume rises the quality of the album. It's not good but it's something.

But the songs are, in general, good, or so it seems to me. When listening to it I only skip move through me and march to the shore. Yes, I even listen to TCP. I like the second part of that song.

So, it's worse when compared to the previous works but itsi not bad. It just needed more work and a different approach.

It was also a bad timming for Anders to change his vocal style. Knowing that it was going to raise conflict among the fans he should have put more effort into it
I've always said the instrumental side of ASOP is fine. Unfortunately the production, vocals and lyrics do everything possible to ruin that. I also completely disagree on TCP, but I don't want to get into that debate again.

I rank ASOP above Battles and SC, but that's not a particularly high bar. As far as In Flames are concerned the album was below par, especially when sandwiched between two good, high energy albums like CC and SOAPF.