In both albums there are some highlights, but there are a few. I would risk to say that what makes stye and soapf good albums is Anders work. The guitars riffs are, with a few exceptions, simple, boring or repetitive. Specially in soapf, where the melodies are not specially brilliant. They're ok, they do their job but they do not stand on their own. I mean, without the vocals. With a few exceptions, of course. I just think of the acoustic and solo part of a new dawn. The same melody being played once and once again. Where the death ships dwell, dear is the weakness, darker times, deliver us... In many of the songs the guitars are there, but they're not something that will shake your head, if you know what I mean. The instrumental version of deliver us is terribly boring.
In stye, songs like friend, like you better death or dead and alone were the first time that I was disappointed with the riffs.
I can see why you say that the melodies from asop are bland. I also felt the same. But, when compared to those albums, they are not worse, to my opinion.